Fraud (F!Jessdar)

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Holy crap, this is late, I was so busy... sorry!
First time doing Jessdar... apologizes if I do anything wrong.

Radar found himself stuck... in a situation he never dreamed of. He started off with Petra, Jack, Nurm, Lluna, The Ocelots, Stella... even, all running up the stairs along him, he whimpered as the tower shifted, people jumping in to help someone get on top, someone.
One by one, the Ocelots members disappeared, like the hourglass' sand, slowly by gradually emptying out. First, Stacy waved goodbye as she stayed to fight a horrid mob, Stampy was also left with a "googly" at his sword tip. Lukas jumped down a flight of stairs to kick a golem's butt with another two members at his side. Jack, Petra, Nurm, Stella all flew up flights of stairs, spiraling up and up and up.
Stella hurled herself at another boss while the three piled up the stairs.
"Petra!" Jack cried as Petra ran to face off.
Jack and Nurm quickly dropped the whining, following Radar up the stairs, Radar's palms were sweaty with nervousness, he never fought well, with only a shield, he could pretend to be Captain America, but never ever could be as strong or fast.
"Jack?" Radar whimpered again, as the warrior jumped down to fight and clash sword with a mutated hostile.
Nurm nodded at Radar and Lluna skidded behind them, with her little feet pushing her up.
Radar had made it to the last flight, last ride, except, he hadn't.
Lluna's spit flew everywhere as Nurm and Radar cocked their head to see an army of... Creatures.
Nurm rushed in with two battle axes, gesturing for Radar to hurry, and with no choice, Radar jumped though the door.
"Radar!" Jesse called to him, when we blinked, rubbing his eyes, he saw two, he was sure he wasn't blurry-eyes currently or hallucinating or dreaming, he felt the cold punch of reality.
"She keeps on suggesting I'm the fake Jesse!" One Jesse scoffed, pointing at the other Jesse.
The other one hissed, sword drawn like the other.
"I'm the real Jesse!" They both chimed in unison.
"Uhh—" Radar paused, tears at the corners of his eyes, he felt the pairs of eyes watching him morph into anvils that pressed down on him.
"I'm the real Jesse." The first one said.
"No! I am!" The second one growled.
"Radar—" One Jesse handed him a bow, "—you decide which one stays and which one goes." They stood parallel to each other, hands at their sides. They both had glares of a thousand daggers. Radar pulled back the bow string...
He loved Jesse.
He couldn't mess up.
If he did, he'd have to live with this mistake... forever.
And he would cause so many other horrible things to happen.
Radar couldn't take it. "Sometimes I stay up, cursing on my bad luck." He sang softly. "Sometimes I fall to the floor." He continued, hands interwoven with each other. "Sometimes, forever, wishing I could tell her," He paused, "Sometimes I wish I could just stop."
One Jesse's voice spoke up, "But I still wake up, I still see her face, oh lord, I'm still not sure, how to tell her, ooohh."
"How... do you know this song?" Radar puzzled.
"It's your favorite song, you hum it all the time." They said, warmly, she took a step closer to Radar.
Radar aimed the bow, and let go, piecing though the Jesse who was closer. Their body faded, turning into Romeo's body, which lay, unconscious.
"How did you know?" Jesse stood there, mouth agape.
"You never heard me sing, because I never sang." He smiled, embracing Jesse in a big hug as he dropped the bow.
"So, do you have something to tell me?" Jesse asked.
"Sometimes I do."

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