Gladiators (Slab X Reader)

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I'm so fracking sorry. I completely forgot about the requests... I was trying to write all of the requests then post them.

I suck.

Here's one of the requests... I simply can't get the motivation to write anymore... it sucks.



Definition: Armed combatant who entertained audiences in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals.

We weren't gladiators. We were children, playing games with wooden swords that once sparked journeys of our fancy. This time, the adults had given us a playground and everything we could've asked for.

I loved it.

There were twelve of us. Each of us had different stories of why we banded together, some people loved the feeling of action and others, spending time with those who cared. I was one of the latter. Slab, his current name, was the one I spent the most time with. 

Soon, we had become some of the best and the games we played were more like races for our lives and yet, Slab sat with me to see the sunset every day. 

Look, we weren't romantics but we loved sunsets, especially Slab. 

When we were given the chance to do whatever this was, we took it. Armor, swords, and the action that came with being a gladiator. We became twice as busy, twice as hectic, and twice as happy. We spent days and nights under light fighting and smiling at each other. Because without them, I would've never had made it. We had each other.

And sunsets? Slab didn't just sit with me as the sun settled under the blanket of the sea, but he also greeted me on the ledge when the sun came late.

There was also once when I had greatly injured my arm and he told me how the sun... the sun was like a plate of gold that glimmered beneath the pearls. The sun was a smile that was drawn with the golden leaves of autumn.

Then, he would pull out gold from his pocket, a coin or two, and he would stick them on a plate. His then spun around the room and then found where the lamp stood. It was proud, looming over the white room. He then taped the plate on top of it.

"There," he said. "Sunrise," he smiled at me. I laughed with him as he barely caught the plate as he tape peeled. 

The next day, I woke up to the same plate on the lamp.

He then greeted me after I had recovered. We were in the arena and everyone welcomed me back. We were the twelve Greek gods. We were the twelve Knights of the Round Table. We were the twelve sons of Odin. 

Nothing changed. We were children playing with wooden swords.

I never thought I would be a gladiator. I never thought I would fall in love with Slab.

Remember when I said nothing changed? We are not children anymore. We are not playing with wooden swords. We are not the twelve of anything. We were gladiators.

There's one thing that didn't change. 

I still love Slab.

Maybe, if I see him again, he'll tape a plate with coins on it to the lamp. 

Maybe he'll greet me with sunsets. 

We were once children that played with swords and once we were gladiators.

I still love him.

MCSM OneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat