Revival (Romeo X Jesse)

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Jesse sighed as they stood in front of the elegant door, their hands behind their back, holding each other, intwined with each finger, said, the emotion of being overwhelmed drizzling in their stomach, the honey that rained on her insides, making her hands sticky in fear. It's been a year, one journalist, yes, our good friend Soren, had found a reviving stone, he knew of Jesse's friend's deaths, handing it over, he explained it was a apology gift, and said they could revive anyone. Now, it was between, Reuben and Romeo. Reuben, their best friend, friend from start, one who could understand them like no other human could, Romeo, a chance for someone to change always lit Jesse's heart up. This is their choice, and that is the path going to be taken.
They held the grass strands and rubbed it against their fingers, the roughness scratched the surface, and the watery insides bleed on their fingers to crumple and slowly drift back to it's home, that's how Jesse felt.


"Soren, please say the words." Jesse nodded, coughing into their shirts, they breathed in, holding their breath as they waited for the last minute to come, the choice.
"Hyri, thee, ply ra yu." Soren muttered, the meaning to the stone, reeling it to a break, cracking it from a drowning, quiet slumber which it entered thousands of years ago. "Pi ah ro ka." Soren turned to Jesse, eyes begging for them to say the one, to live again, but instead, he heard a thud, one's body flopped on the floor, Jesse's.
He sat in a ball of silence for the two seconds that were tossed out the window immediately, he blinked in shock, running outside to get Ivor, Jack, Petra, anyone he would find to help Jesse who fell in a quick swoop, and scary enough, he didn't even know what caused it.
Jesse was left on the carpet, as the builder tried to find someone, nighttime was the worst time for Soren to scream for help. About half way to Beacontown, Jesse heard voices, groaning and stirring to consciousness, they saw a pink-haired boy, wearing a rainbow of pinks that covered his body.
"Huh?" They gulped, seeing the boy's dark eyes light up as they lifted Jesse up to their feet.
"Jesse... this is Reuben..." They hugged Jesse, telling them these words. "I know I matter, but I suggest you to revive Romeo, I was a pig, and pigs? They don't last and I wouldn't of lasted for as long as you wished, so, let you tell you, what to say." He looked up, tears scattered on his face, fading into a wispy white fog that surrounded Jesse, clutching to their other hand, Jesse sobbed, laying on the ground as they saw their old friend again, but this was the real last, Jesse nodded, giving Reuben's wish to be reality, they uttered on a soft tone, "mi tole Romeo." Their choice, was Romeo.


Romeo started twisting in his sleep, blinking, he knew it was early morning, but instead of seeing the fluffy clouds and blue sun-lighted skies, he saw Jesse who sighed and then they turned to him.
"Jesse?" His eyes widened, stomach fluttering with realization of his situation, he glanced at the pink, shining diamond like object, floating, he knew what Jesse chose, out of him and their best friend, they chose... him.
"Welcome back Romeo..." They smiled, faith and hope tied into the eyes of the hero.

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