Monster (Lukivia)

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"Olivia?!" "Lukas!" Olivia cried, being pull into the night by some creature, the grasp of it was cold and stone-like, causing Olivia to shiver.
"Livi?!" Lukas wailed for her, her safety, she was taken by something only he could see, something horrific, the monsters teeth chomped on negative things, thoughts... Olivia... She was negative, yes, but his monster fed on it, yet Olivia was still here.
"Lukas?" Olivia whispered, her voice grew hush. "Livi, I'm here for you." Lukas breathed, letting Olivia know. "Help me..." She croaked out in pain in the lungs, delivered by a sharp jarring moment. "Livi!" "Lukas!"
She was being pulled in.
He jumped at her, pushing the monster away, and hugging her, wrapping his hands around her, shaking in fright, tears dropped down his face, tears, he quivered, squeezed Olivia tighter, telling her:
"Olivia, I will always be here." He whimpered, letting her calm down in his grasp.
"Please don't leave me..." She cried in his arms, letting everything she held near her, out in tears, glistening tears of sorrow.
"I won't...."

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