Pawn (Admella)

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"I was only a pawn..." Stella sighed as she comfort herself, sitting down under her newest building, the others, rubble. Lluna nuzzled her with warmth on her purr, even her loving pet's care could get rid of that bewitching feeling that had Stella in a trance. Stella glanced at the night skies, stars sprinkled throughly like the rainbow sprinkles her mom would place on her birthday cake, on her twelfth birthday, they were murdered by the 'Black Pumpkin,' funny, Jesse's friends were almost murdered by the White Pumpkin, this shook her greatly, of course, a wall to her success. A hiccup came from her, she buried her face into Luna's pelt, letting out the tears of waterfalls. She had officially made a city, becoming leader, accomplished her mom's greatest dreams, being happy. She was selfish, she admitted, but her unending feeling pulled her to a state of no return nor could she distract herself.
She was... in love.
"Lluna, honey?" Stella gave Lluna, her only friend a kiss on the head, rubbing her neck as Lluna smiled in return. "Let's get building..." Stella said, punching the oak wood from the nearby tree down as she spoke, looking at the just rising sun as if it were . The sun was just slipping behind the rolling hills as she finished the next building, a wooden statue of Romeo, in the center of the town square. She glanced at what she had built, she burst into tears, wiping her blue and gray emotions onto her purple suit, she called for Lluna, sniffling, telling her to take her to Jesse, her last, but most-needed resort.


"What's going on?" Radar's look was the complete opposite of what Stella thought he was going to have plastered on his face.
"I-I need to talk to J-Jesse." Stella sobbed as she hug Lluna like a toddler clutching on their beloved teddy.
"I'll get him." Radar nodded, running off."
"Stella?" Stella heard a concerned-laced voice, Jack.
"H-hi..." She bit her lip in response, looking into the eyes of the protagonist.
"Here for Jesse?" He asked.
"Well, I hope they can help." Jack smiled to cheer her up.
"Stella!" Jesse waved, you could see the leader walk up to Stella.
"I need to talk." Stella commanded and she bore into Jesse's worried eyes.


"You miss Romeo..." Jesse sighed, feeling extremely guilty for leaving Romeo in the universe of darkness, with everyone despising him with their soul and heart.
"Yeah, I was rebuilding Champion City, and... I-" Stella sobbed again.
"... I can do something." Jesse nodded.
Sometime was blown away and Jesse had returned to Stella was a black-haired man, in a harvest-gold robe, who was talking to Jesse directly.
"Who is he?" Stella asked.
"This is Ivor, he has at least one or two things, maybe more that can contact the dead..." Jesse replied sheepishly to Stella's questions.
"Yes, I can most definitely help." Ivor nodded to the two leaders.
"Oh... okay..." Stella sighed.


"Jesse?" They three heard a crackling voice, hollow and empty.
"Romeo... I, well, Stella... needs to tell you something." Jesse gestured to the red-eyed girl.
"Stella..." Romeo laced his fingered between his hair as he gulped.
"Romeo... I can't live without you... I miss you too much..." Stella cried, and Romeo asked the two to let them talk.
And that's when, the cold and solitary women, Stella spilled, spilled to the missing man.

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