You Only Know (F!Lukesse)

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Mid-contest one-shot!


Jesse sobbed in silence, hand slid on Lukas' heart, she gritted her teeth, clenched her heart and her storm of tears, whirling in the wind, her vision now foggy, the wateriness blocked out her sight, yet it seemed to obstruct the sounds, and pain of her sore knees and aching limbs that were raw with crisp cold. She did this to him, she asked him on this journey, she was saved by him, able to keep running down the trail, she had wished her life-line was sliced off as well, just like her corresponding lustful desire, who lay gracefully next to her sobbing figure with bare and cold hands, lifeless shine in his closed eyes. She glanced up, running her frost-bitten fingers through his golden locks, she hugged him closer, all you could see was the two intertwined with each other, hand grasping the other's palms like it was an exquisite jewelry that was held next to one's heart. She abruptly noticed the snow's unnatural pattern, it whirled in circles and waves of bitterly cold winds, blowing her face, she bit down on her tongue, trying to keep her lover's body intact while she didn't freeze to her pending death, she stood up as her legs shook in quick, choppy segments of pain, she wrapped Lukas in her scarf, hating that she was drifting not towards him, yet someplace else that could sever her founding for him, faster than she could ever find him. Her arms reaching toward the glowing ball of light, it was warm, like a candle... a candle, and it's the little burning flame that brought life to his soft hands and water puddle eyes that cooed her name, stretching her name, over and over, purring in temptations. The reality, it was nonexistent now, her realization was too overdue for her heart to beat too, thumping, sweating, breathing in the whiteness of the outside, she felt a dark presence flow around her, no... she couldn't, she barely have written her life's script yet. Her slow-paced breathing shifted into a monster, huffing, screaming, her words tumbling into a pit of forgotten memories, beings, things, that would come and slice her throat after, if... there was an after... She paused swiftly. He was... alive

I love you, and I know you see me gone, it's over, life is life, death and death, yet there are many gray shades in between, I'm gone... that's what fate hopes and that's I give them.

He whispered... no, he was not talking... his hollowed body, white whispy shades, it glided to her, giving her the last kiss she wished for many years before, that kiss. She knew there was not answer to this question, no value in the money. She finally let his hand go, letting his soar far into the clouds, stabbing the winds. She knew... she let him go and the pain started here, then other will fall, sooner or later... she knew that regret could drown her over and over and over... and over again. She sighed as stated, and continued her path down her lanes.

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