The Beauty (Human!PAMA X F!Jesse)

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Three words: reflection, poet, courage

I made PAMA human and they will be described throughout.


She saw their beauty. The green eyes that the sun reflected off, just like the mood. Two emeralds that were forever gazing thoughtfully at her.

She wouldn't give them away for anything.

Not even the world to be green and zombies to wither away with shrieks.

It was selfish, she knew it to the fullest but she had PAMA, she had the world.

Even if she had lost everything else, she still had an old enemy to look at the sky with.

Maybe, just maybe, another life will bring a brighter sky.

But Jesse was content. She was content with the dark-skinned creation that sat next to her figure. A large smile that folded behind their red hair. Maybe it reminded her of old times but she was content.

A reflection, just like the mood is what Jesse always had with her. She didn't always have courage. She didn't always have smarts. She didn't always have kindness. But she had reflection and PAMA.

And it is all that mattered to her.

She was content. A light in the darkness. A tear that was shed. She was here with PAMA. Would she ask for more? Maybe, but she would not ask for less.

There, beside her, was PAMA, smiling again.

She missed that smile.

No one is bad. PAMA showed that. They just wanted the best.

PAMA's smile was rueful. That was because Jesse knew this world was not the best and PAMA could not fix it. Nor can they do anything anymore. But they could fix Jesse's world.

Matter of fact, they had fixed her world.

Between the meadows of green and mushrooms of red, Jesse would look forward to the next day. As long as PAMA was there, waiting with a gaze that said nothing and everything at once.

Even with the zombie's green flesh that dragged around those meadows and mushrooms. The colors never dulled. They never changed.

PAMA was Jesse's world.

That would never change.

"Jesse?" PAMA asked. She knew PAMA's voice, it was slightly robotic with some syllables sliding around like a figure skater on ice, whisking around gracefully, but it had all the emotion Jesse had ever learned about. It even had some she never knew about.

"Yes?" Jesse responded with an oddly meek voice, one that PAMA said was the voice that made them most want to hug Jesse. PAMA always wanted to hug her.

"Do you miss anything from before?" PAMA continued. Jesse nearly laughed with her hopeful giggles. Jesse could only wish PAMA could read her mind. There was thoughts whirling around like a poet's dream and she just couldn't say them.

Jesse sat near the cliff with the water that was so blue, it almost wasn't. She turned to PAMA with those giggles, "No, as long as you're here."

"But, Jesse, you are stuck with me in an apocalypse, how are you... happy?" PAMA asked with such desperation that thunder's strike of fear couldn't make Jesse shake as much as they did.

"PAMA, humans are weird, we can find happiness in many things."

PAMA paused, "It is a shame most humans are gone," they said with a slight nod downwards.

"That only makes me weirder," Jesse smiled.

They could see the beauty of Jesse's smile, the weirdness of their only friend.

PAMA saw the blue that was so blue that it nearly wasn't.

Just like Jesse's eyes.

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