The Team That Wins (Aiden X Cassie)

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I know nothing of sports. 


"Ladies and gentlemen.... Welcome the Order of the Stone!" The announcer cried into the microphone and the crowd cheered wildly. Five waving figures smiled at the cameras and whistled into the crowd. "Each coached by the first generation of players that will play to their strengths. Be prepared to be impressed!" 

The crowd was still going with hoots and hollars. The Order of the Stone, also deemed "The Order" was a famous basketball team that had come together with new players after the old ones split. They were the newest order, the second generation.

Behind the large doors as the announcer listed off the names and the backstory of the new team, there were five people, leaning against the wall. The Old Builders, also known as "The Builders," was one of the longest running teams. 

Aiden, Gill, and Maya, three of the oldest members started off in the Ocelots when Lukas was around, but when he split, the three became the Blaze Rods. They had joined some older members of The Builders and were offered to replace the three who had just quit due to other obligations.

They were then joined by Romeo and his two friends who did coaching and sometimes replaced hurt players, and finally, Cassie, also known as "The Rose." 

Each player were talented in their own ways and many celebrated those talents as they killed game after game, but Aiden could not get it out his mind that Cassie was the most impressive. She was fast and graceful with her movements that he could not focus at times.

The doors rumbled open and the five players jumped into places with Aiden in the center and his two friends beside him. Cassie and Romeo tilted their red hair at each other with a smile and they let the light spill in.

"And, welcome the long-time champions: The Old Builders!" The crowd cheer as well, waving flags with a diamond axe on them. "You know them, we know them!" The two teams split to their sides of the field and Aiden narrowed his eyes, a hatred-filled pressure building inside him.

You can't just join them after you left us with nothing!

You broke everything I had. The faith, the promises, the... the world I lived in.

I'm winning.

Aiden rushed forwards.

I'm going to win!

Aiden took a look at the scoreboard.

The game was over. 

We lost.

Aiden grumbled angrily as he tossed the sky-blue towel onto the bench. "Stupid," He mumbled over and over. Even with Maya and Gill's combined efforts, both could not get the brown-haired man to cheer up.

Romeo and Cassie were chatting beside the lockers. "So, what's with Mr. Hot-Head?" Romeo gestured.

"You should be the hot-head, not only are you mad 99% of the time, you also have fire-red hair." That was all Cassie said before she strolled over to Aiden's bench. 

Cassie lingered as Aiden took a few breaths. She could see the passion and fury that Aiden brought with him. It was power in the form of competitiveness and that power would be used to play rough in the court.

Cassie saw Aiden as some sort of superhero at times, someone willing to be hurt to save others, but most of the time, she saw Aiden as a young man with potential and the willingness to work hard. He was brilliant, kind—

"Cassie?" Aiden's green eyes met Cassie's. 

"Hey," Cassie sat down and she could see the green that Aiden's eyes shined so brightly of. Cassie loved that it wasn't a heavy forest green, but rather a paler, lighter green, a mint color that worked well with any shade of color, even bright red. "Look, we'll do better next time. Every game isn't going to be perfect, that's just how it is."

"I know," Aiden peeked at Cassie's bright blue socks and then turned to her green eyes. Aiden liked Cassie's green eyes, they were like the forest's tree-leaves and were deep and rich unlike his pale eyes. "I'm glad that even if we lose, we're doing it together."

The two watched the screen at the edge of the locker room that showed the amulet, the symbol of the Order, flashing throughout.

"I still hate that Lukas left," Aiden admitted softly. Cassie put an arm over Aiden's shoulder, pressing him closer. "Maybe if I grab something to eat, I'll feel a bit better," Aiden said as he gently stood up.

"No stress eating, I hope," Cassie replied. 

"Nah," Aiden held out a hand to Cassie. "That's for ice cream."

"Dangit," Aiden muttered into a cone of ice cream. Cassie laughed as she tucked into the strawberry cone that she got. 

"At least you finally got mint chip." Cassie strolled with Aiden along the beach where the ice cream shop was located. The sea reflecting a brilliant blue.

"Yeah," Aiden replied. "Thanks for this, Cass'," Aiden told her. Cassie only smiled and walked with her bright blue socks on display. "You really do make all of this worth it."

"Worth what?" Cassie was puzzled.

"The losses, both in the game and out," Aiden watched the seagulls cry out. "Sometimes, we lose and other times, we win."

Cassie stole a bite of Aiden's ice cream.


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