4th Of July (Jetra)

420 8 7

Find the Easter Egg!

"Axel, get Olivia, the party is starting soon." Jesse said, getting a confident nod. After, they slowly slid down the ladder, and as they did, they glanced at the blue sky, which was gradually fading into a magical purple color, trailing behind it was a soft pink color that barely shined through the clouds.
Jesse enjoyed their time, grazing through the forest, hand placed on posters that were now being sacred by the town-members, today was the day Petra left for her journey, to find herself.
Jesse turned around, finding Axel tumbling off the ladder, with Olivia facepalming and shaking her head in disbelief.
"Now you can say I've fallen for you," Axel jokes, getting a quick kiss from Olivia. The two had traveled from their respective towns to see Jesse and the treehouse again, the nostalgia feeling they wanted.
"So, is Ivor here yet?" Olivia questioned.
"Oh, yeah, he brought Harper with him, he's obsessing over her again," Jesse chuckled, getting a laugh from both of them.
The three took not too long before they heard the excited voices of folks, that sounded like a flute pipping sweet tunes to Jesse, after all, they were in charge and nothing was more important than a satisfied town.
"Jesse, my friend!" Ivor waved to the three, and turned to Jesse, Harper sparked up a conversation with Axel and Olivia about the food they were serving later.
"Ivor." Jesse smiled. "Is Gabriel here?"
"Of course, he decided to help with the heavy loads that required some help."
"Well, what are you in charge?" Jesse cocked his head to the left a bit, which in return, Ivor grinned.
"Ah, the fireworks, but you'll see why it isn't done yet." Ivor, from the corner of his eyes, saw Stella and Lukas fixing up the rest of the fireworks, he invited Axel and Olivia to help, which they accepted, telling Jesse  to look out for any green wool creepers.
Jesse wandered around, waving warmly to those who said "hi," or a "hello."
"Jesse!" Jack greeted them, Nurm by his side.
"You've really grown into that eyepatch." Jesse complimented.
"Ah, thanks, during Halloween I was going to dress as a pirate, but that's too early to talk about," Jack grinned. "Anyway, I'm going to help with decor, they need help lifting a few things." Jack flexed, jokingly, Nurm sighed.
Jesse heard a small bark, they looked down, recognizing it was Wink, Jesse picked the puppy up, trotting to Stampy and Stacy.
"Stacy! Stampy!" Jesse said, as Wink hopped out of Jesse's arms to run around Stacy for a bone.
"Wink! There you are!" Stacy exclaimed, giving Wink a bone.
"Thanks, Wink ran off without a trace, we were about to look for him, the stand is ready." Stampy sighed with relief.
"Anytime." Jesse said, facing the stand after. The stand was a blue and orange patterned sigh, with white in between, building a great contrast, with bright colors that wrote: "Cat's Cake, Dog's Pie." With both of them with a respective animal on the board.
"Nice poster."
"Yeah, thanks, Pet- Peter, helped us with it," Stampy said.
"Really good artist, he doesn't come out to the open much, but he's friendly." Stacy said.
"Yeah." Stampy nodded frantically.
"Well, I'll catch you around." Jesse said.
"Better do, or Wink might do that better than you," Stacy smiled.
Jesse waved at Neil, who waved back, Isa was found with her former Skycity folks, she happily waved to Jesse, then followed Lukas to what they were suppose to go.
The clouds rolled around, leaving Jesse to sit down around friends, the warm blanket under them.
Ivor grinned, clicking the lever then swiftly plopping down next to Harper, Ivor held a small box with him as he glanced at the fireworks.
"Woah" and "wow" erupt from the crowd, as creepers and smiley faces showered the sky with colors.
Finally, after rounds of beautiful dancing sparks, a message appeared:
"Jesse," the first round popped up. Then Jesse read the rest of the message that showered through the air. "Look Behind You." It read.
And Jesse did.
Petra stood there, sword resting on her shoulder. Jesse immediately shot up, tackling Petra into the grass.
"Petra!" Jesse cried, as Petra sat up, the two laughed, everybody cheered.
"I love you." Petra hugged Jesse. "Thank you."

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