Lovely Eyes (Lukas X Reader)

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Is this coherent? I'm sorry for the general crappiness of this one, I don't do X Readers very well.


Lukas's journals was one of the most important things in his life. All his memories and goals sitting right before him with smudged pencil markings along the page edges, dotted i's, and crossed t's.

Many journals passed their time through Lukas's hands. One he was known for was his journal of adventures he went on with his friends. Some older ones included his childhood memories, his time with the Ocelots and those building compitions, and the recording of birds and what they looked like. It was a peaceful way to let his thoughts flow.

His newest journal was unusual though.

Most think when someone has a silly crush, they would write cheesy poems and love letters, but Lukas? He wrote so much more.

He found a blue jay with wings more blue than others and so he drew it on the margin and wrote: "You would probably like to see that blue jay. The blue would look good on anyone. You would make it look amazing. I wonder if the blue jay is able to blend in with the sky's crystals."

He would get teased for carrying the journal around so much that it was considered unnatural for him. His friends would ask why he carried it around. The sky seemed to always want to drown the tan paper in water. 

Lukas could draw worlds and write stories just with the imagation he had. Every page was filled with facts, drawings, and a lot of stickers. They were for his crush. A stupid little crush, he told himself. 

It didn't stop. So when suns settled down and moons rose while cows grazed and sheep baa'd in the fields, Lukas sat at the porch window and scribbles thoughts in the pages. Each word was for them.

His little crush.

"Lukas, I'm gonna admit..."  Petra trailed off, looking at the drawings on the wall.

"Yeah?" Lukas asked. 

"I feel like your 'crush' isn't quite a crush anymore."

Lukas stood up, "Am I going too far...?" He asked meekly.

"Nope, it seems like you went from crush and somehow not into obsession," Petra told him.

"What do you mean?" Lukas asked.

Petra stared at him, "True love, idiot."


The drawings did not stop. The words did not ease. The world spun and Lukas kept on letting the emotions he had flow onto the page. He knew how much he would like to make them smile and keep them safe.

He realized Petra was right... he was fully out of 'crush' territory.

Lukas hadn't felt better in years.

Lukas hadn't felt better in years

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