Love with the Other (Dancat)

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Ah, I hate stress.


"Ah, yes. Long grass, the best thing a man could wish for." Dan blew a long breath, the kind that started from his chest and ended as a small trickling white mist that hung in the air like frozen grapes on vines.

"Believe or not, this is better than before you left." Stampy nodded at the shadow in the corridors.

"You mean died." Dan shook his head.

"To put it nicely? Yes." Stampy blew a smaller breath, testing the white mist that spun magically in the air. "It's hard to say how long that was." 

"Glad to be back," Dan said, clicking his tongue. He watched Stampy blowing softly at the air.

"Good to know you're safe." Stampy smiled. He slung a bow onto his back, one that had wood smooth as snow, the edges curved like shells, discolored into a pale, yet beautiful sand, matching the whirls of the wood.

The two wandered off into the woods, letting the air breath on them, the winds bellowing softly into their ears. As if a romance novel (somehow there was plenty of those in the mansion even though no one read them) had sprung into a story that tied their lives together and glittered like gold, Stampy leaned closer.

"Cold? You're the one wearing the hoodie." Dan swung his sword into the dirt, bringing the leaves flowing with the wind to a heavy halt. The wind still flew like a scarf in water.

"You're still wearing your suit." Stampy tilted his head and then smoothed out the collar for the other man.

Dan shrugged, giving Stampy a smile. He continued drawing. Stampy could only gaze from his spot which was right next to Dan, which made it hard for him to note what Dan was drawing. Rather, Stampy made it his goal to glance at the orange-pink sky that brought the land to a stop.

"Perfect!" Dan leaned on his sword which was stuck half-way into the ground, leaving one final jagged line that moved deeper into the ground than the rest. Stampy cocked his head and then stepped back and leaned on a tree.

"Dan... and Stampy." Stampy observed, then he tilted left. "And one big ol' heart." Stampy smiled. "Lovely."

"Anyway... weren't you going to get rosemary?"

"You hate getting rosemary..." Stampy murmured.

"Only when you're gone," Dan replied with a large grin.

Stampy had missed one thing:

Love with you is the best love I could ever feel.

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