I Wouldn't Forget (Axelivia)

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They fell, the sky, void, whisking by them, purple swirls filled their eyes, with calming-but-scary pictures, memories, washed by, like water that rushed into the drains, all gone.

They woke up, the sky was blue, the sun was bright, tree leaves flew and bird sang, bugs danced along, the world spun as the two stood up, now unknown, both lost and helpless.

"Hello?" The girl in red called, her eyes shone fear.

"Yes?" A boy, leap from the trees.

"Uh, I think I'm lost..." She looked around, trees waved to her.

"Yeah, me too." He sighed, a stick, excuse for a sword, grasped.

"You do seem familiar..." She stepped back, into the sand and rushing waves who breathed.

"Yeah, are you... Olivia?" He cocked his head.

"Yeah... I think so...?" She questioned.

"Huh." They both wondered.

"Wait, you must be... Axel... my love!" She gasped, running into his arms.

"Is it true?" He hugged her tight.

"Yes, I wouldn't forget."

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