Childhood (Stadin)

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She grabbed her weapon unwillingly, as she step onto the main channel. "Is everything okay?" She looked around at her comrades who frenzy at the devices.
"Dan, I told you! There's at least like... five different buttons!" Lizzie screamed as the ship tattered again.
"Cool your jets everyone." Captain commanded, chuckling as he thought of the pun he had not purposely said.
"Yeah, Sparklez." Lizzie rolled her eyes in sarcasm, as a teasing manner.
He sighed, ignoring her, "I need to file everyone up, mostly the Blaze Rod, our old friend, Lukas has connection, Stampy I want you to call him."
"On it." Stampy saluted, racing to the exact room.
"Stacy, you can check on them, just hope they aren't ouuuuu-!" He screeched, pushing a key as the ship pushed forwards again.
"Got it sir." She sighed as well, as she scrambled to the prison room.
"God dangit Gill, it wasn't the twenty-seventh! It was the twenty-eighth!" Gill shrugged as Maya sighed in a irritated state.
Aiden glanced at her, eyes lighting up, he push his way to the metal and cold bars, "can we go out for a while?" He begged, eyes pleading with sincerity.
A long silence begged to differ. "Sure." Stacy glared at Maya, who rolled her eyes.  "Aiden, I'll also need to talk to you." Stacy announced.
"Ooh, someone is in trou-bleeeee!" Gill sang as he followed Maya unto the larger, more spacious room that they would try to enjoy themselves in.
"What is it?" Aiden asked, when Gill had finally locked him self inside with Maya.
"Aiden-" she stopped, "-you really don't remember me?"
"Stacy? None I heard through of my years." He told confused.
"Stacy... Stacy, Hinojosa..."
"Oh, okay, Bond, yeah..." Aiden narrowed his eyes in return. "Oh, crap..." He had the sudden urge to barf, as for his childhood, friend and/or crush was standing in front of him, we had completely forgotten. "Heh... I know that you know that writing was my favorite thing to do..." He looked sheepishly at Stacy.
"So you figured.." She didn't scowl, she smiled, eyes softening as gave Aiden a hug, one of affection and one of that said soundly "I've missed you."
"Oi, Aiden, got a crush?" The Captain smirked as he snapped a photo. Aiden stood in shock. "Just don't get killed, okay?" Jordan, amused, threw Aiden a white commander jacket.
"Wait... you do?" Stacy pulled back in surprise, the shocking thing was she cared for the fact he had a crush then what the Captain threw him.
"Maybe... maybe not." He smiled, slipping on the jacket. "Hey, not too bad." He smiled.

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