Unwanted (M!Soresse)

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He let pain drown him and left the others to push him.
Eyes that sparkled to him, grew red and he saw only disgust.
Lonely was a too hard of a word to bear, he didn't even know what it meant anymore, it was more like: everyday, every hour, every minute, everyday, to him.
Left to rot, he never saw the beautiful sunshine, axes lined the walls, hands would always seem to inch close to the weapons.
Oh, wait, you mean you think Soren?
Well, if you do believe so, let's look at him.
"Oh, Ender Pearls." Soren exclaimed, sighing, shaking his head whist cleaning up the inky mess, Black blobs ate the whole journal cover as he covers his hands with squid-juice.
Soren watched as the sun close to setting, he pondered his options, choosing to go out and chop a few trees, skin some leather and farm some sugar-cane before it got too dark. He jogged down the stairs, feet clicking the stone stairs as he did.
He glanced around, narrowing his eyes as he try to find the farm, he heard clucks from chickens and mooing cows, he enter the large barn, doing what he did, carefully. He headed towards the sugar-cane and other plants, he grabbed the fully grown mushrooms for a nice stew, before he went to snapping sugar-cane, the sweet smell wafered around the air and the snap made Soren smile, the good old days.
But what he didn't just hear that, there was harsh breathing, he stopped, taking off his glasses, as if he was hallucinating, but he realized, mind snapping out of trace, that breathing was from down, under the barn.
"Dear... portals and feather pens." He shivered, hearing the cold breathing, uneven and staggered.
Forgetting the time immediately, Soren started punching trees, like a champion boxer, collecting enough for him to scoop up a wooden shovel, which he stabbed into the ground, digging down towards the breathing.
During his digging, in the receiving end, the victim of hunger, thirst, and other hardships at current woke up from his horrid nap.
"Huh..." Jesse gasped, watching as soil shuffle, he hadn't seen humans or animals since everyone called him a burden, which sent him into his own grave and coffin.
"In which dimension does someone get trapped and not scream for help?" Someone sighed, cautiously, they dug away again after wiping their sweat off.
He knew this voice, vaguely.
"Hello?" They called, punching a hole through the terra-cotta (which was usually called clay) roof of a tiny room.
Orange hair was pushed into Jesse's vision.
"Help!" Jesse panted, reaching up, struggling.
"Jesse..." he gasped, gripping on the ground to lift him up.
Soren watched as the black-haired boy rise slowly, but stumble and fall onto the dark ground.
"Formidi-bombs—" he glanced at the time, and to Jesse too, "—to my home." Soren said, supporting Jesse by carrying him by back and slowly making it back to his adobe.
Jesse wasn't shocked by Soren's appearance, nor happy with being saved before it was too late, he was tired and hurt, all he could do, was fall asleep on Soren's scarfed shoulders.
Later that night, Jesse woke up, hands, legs, body... bandaged, next to him was a cup of steaming tea, a white trace of steam rising like a dancer, and he was snuggled up tight to thick and warm blankets.
A dim torch was lit, he saw the ginger at a freshly made table and writing gracefully and swiftly, stories that flew from his fingers.
"Soren?" Jesse murmured.
The figure turned around, Soren's eyes lit up like his torch that was in his room. "You're awake." He smiled, his eyes lined with care and relief.
"Wha— you're still alive?" Jesse slowly asked, sitting as Soren pulled up a chair for him.
"Yeah?" Soren looked up from his book, the glasses' rim showing.
"Many things are... different." Jesse sighed, remembering the gauntlet, the Admin fight.
"Yes, Romeo, Xara, Fred, gauntlet, all of that." Soren said. "Other questions?" He grinned.
"I- thanks... I had a lot of painful injuries..." Jesse looked down.
"What happened?" Soren questioned, suddenly endlessly concerned.
Jesse paused, gritting his teeth. "Betrayal." He cried, tears flowing from his chocolate, brown eyes.
He expect comforting or for Soren to give him some tissues at most, but, he felt a warm hug, Soren wrapped his arms around Jesse who, cried for the rest of the night, and Soren was there for all of his wet sorrow and for the rest of their unwanted lives, yet, they had each other, each other's unwanted souls, hugging each night.

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