What Happened? (Magnugaard)

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Thanks so much for the reads!

*throws party crap around like a mad-man*

I'd rather not die due to choking on confetti...

Also, you could read this as a Young!AU or as the aftermath of The New Order at any time.


"I-- seriously?" Magnus laughed, the laugh grew until it was Magnus howling with laughter. He never knew she had this kind of strange idea, most of her ideas were absurd, but this took the cake.

"You... go defeat the Woodland Mansion?" Magnus raised his eyebrows in return of a disappointed look from the receiver. He looked Ellegaard straight into the eyes and looked at Ivor and Soren, who stood at the sides, arms crossed in thought.

"It's the most logical decision, we need to teamwork!" Ellegaard replied snarkily, her face had a facade of someone who didn't care, but truthfully, she needed this.

"Logical?!" Magnus roared with laughter again as Soren and Ivor uncomfortably looked at each other and awkwardly excused themselves in an act of desperation of quietness like what was 20 minutes ago.

"Magnus, just listen!" Ellegaard sighed as Magnus placed a smug grin on his face, which indicated no sign of truly listening to the Redstonist, and Ellegaard knew this with her heart, in response, she said:

"Gabriel?" Ellegaard turned to the warrior in a second, eyes begging him to back her up. Gabriel only sympathetically patted her back and walked off with his head down, in shame he couldn't help his good friend.

Ellegaard spun on her heels and slid into her room as Magnus called taunts at her, he hadn't been like this since the beginning of The Order of The Stone, he soon changed into a childish, stubborn, hot-headed, yet still understanding person. What happened?

Ellegaard climbed into her sheets. They were lucky, everyone in the Old Order survived the Witherstorm attack, but she and Magnus were the luckiest of the few, she offered her armor to Jesse and as the Witherstorm attacked and knocked her out, Magnus gave his armor to Jesse's sister, Jessica, which left the two in a horrid state and still, Magnus suffered so much to save both of them...

Morning arrived in Ellegaard's room way too soon. Ellegaard stayed in her bed, wanting to cry, yet she knew someone would hear her and report to the others, because of the "team-bond." She didn't need to cry anyway, she was stronger than anyone... she--

She felt her eyes water up.

"What happened?" Her eyes narrowed in an attempt to clear her eyes, she whispered, muttering to herself equations of Redstone that she solved a few days ago, just to comfort herself. She hummed, opening the curtains, doing something to distract herself.

She heard a loud, piercing scream.

Ellegaard jumped, her hand on her neck, checking for a pulse after the scare that sounded like a thousand canaries did backflips on brooms from that one book and almost killed themselves and screamed in high mouse-like squeals before landing on their face, then again: canaries can fly and how would they control the broom?

Ellegaard swiped her sword from her closet before she headed downstairs, tumbling down the stairs with an iron sword grasped between her fingers. She heard a panicked gasped as someone's blur raced across her vision. She finally saw who it was after they slid down the wall, wincing in agony.

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