Okah... (Lukeburger)

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Lukas open door. He opens door real wide. 

Burger jumps on him, he screams like he dyin'.

Burger mad.

Whoops, looks like Lukas forgot their birthday.

Wait... do burgers have birthdays? Is it the day they are made or cooked? Because raw and cooked.

Lukas confussiled.

Burger doesn't speel.

Okah, Burger kissed LukaS and then they went on d8.

Lukas tired of these chapters butt author is tired and cannot write anything good.

So Lukas take Burger to Disneyworld and Burger falls off ze ride. WhOOps.

Ze burger is fine but logic isn't.

Okaaah, Burger go home, but Lukas stuck in park. Why? Burger tired of mice, they go to jail. Kool, Lukas bails Burger out jail. They go see zambro moovie.

Okay, Lukas flims it, very koo. Post on YouTube, he very famoose, got 193839239 subscribers, they like ship very much. Make fan-ficz.

Theyy vlog more and Lukas say they married. Cool cool, verry koo.

I'm tired.

Help me.

I have no friends.

JK, Burger takes phone with tem and jumps off waterfall. Lukas very confuzzled. So he calls God and God says he Notch and so Notch calls Herobrine and Herobrine kills Burger, but not really because he didn't eat burger and this is very stupid.

Burger go home and Lukas cri. He comfert Luke-as and then Lukas eat Bruger.

The End.

I'm so sorry.

Help me.

I'm beieoiwyiuwgi

Please enjoy my horrid sense of humor.

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