Winner (Magnus X Griefer!F!Jesse)

171 4 7

Words: leadership, instruction, newspaper


There is something nice about Magnus's town. The chaos that runs through the plains and ditches from explosions is something most people would sneer at but Jesse found that it was beautiful in its own way. It wasn't just the town, it was the leader that she admired so much.

Magnus might've seemed like a rough and unfiltered child but Jesse found that his occasional smirks and frequent taunts at the township were what she looked forward to. 

Of course, she was just a simple griefer. Everybody wanted to be the king's partner, including herself. There was something Jesse could admire from a distance that always kept her from showing off or confronting the man.

Today, though, was the day. The leadership that was the singular Magnus had said there was a competition and she was going to win. Now, no one knew the reward but everyone was there to impress. 

Jesse slid the daily newspaper from her bag and read the instructions that were written on page two. Once again, there was no reward nor were there no ground rules. Jesse nearly burst out laughing. She simply smiled.

It was very... Magnus-like.

The day of the competition was like a festive. Bright banners shot from the ground to the air as strings with lanterns waved in the wind of the joy gathered on the faces of the citizens. 

Sounds of the big teams such as the Creepers and Dyna-mights stood on podiums and sent out young members to test in the games. On the ground was decorated as if an egg of sprinkles cracked on the floor of green and silver.




Jesse bathed it all in with a large smile on her face. Her logo was a pink pig. It was all harmless until she yelled, "Hog-Wild? Never heard of the saying?" Before crushing the opponent. Although, the mask she wore kept her true identity safe.


That podium.

That was her's.

She stood on the podium. She looked like a fly that was crushed beneath a rat's grubby nails. Because she had the usual black mask many others had, she looked like a commoner. 

Then she slid a red jacket on, a pink pig drawn ontop. She let go of the newspaper she held and it fluttered away. Everyone leaned in close.

They cheer.

They booed.

With a smirk that painted her face gave the shivers to everyone. She knew how to play the game. She was about to win. It was a certainty.

With a loud boom that rattled the spines of everyone that was in the town, she took a large step back and ran. She burst into battle.

Her vision traveled through the air.

Flip from one side.

Jump the next.

Kick it!


She fell on her side, but not before she threw the TNT back at the opponent.




As if a white streak on black, she won the rounds as easy as she thought she would. But of course, there was always a fault. An unstable block that slid away as she stood on it. This was why she wasn't successful.

She growled.

The Order, they were called. They sent up a black-haired man that had on an olive shirt and a look that matched his fists that were being cracked by his fingers. She shook her head with a tut-tut-tut. She wasn't about to lose.

But she did.

Her eyes shot open and she fell against the concrete that gave her coffin a picture to paint. There was the grey paint that dripped behind her. She had lost.

She closed her eyes.

"My instructions said that you should never stop," A voice said from behind her. All was dead silent. Not because of her, but because of him.

Now, that man that was clad in emerald-green stood in front of her. He offered a hand and Jesse nearly fainted.

But she didn't faint.

She wins.

And even if she didn't win, she knew, that man in front would be watching her. Just to see her go Hog-Wild. Her attacks and her dives that ran her forward, closer to the podium each time.

She was going to win.

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