Father-Son (M!Jesse and Ivor)

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Dad and son relationship, yayyy!

Okay. Enjoy.

Happy birthday, MCSM.


"You sure?" Petra shrugged as her hair--that was once short now touched her shoulders--swayed with her swift movements. Jesse grumbled as he saw Petra smirk at him, she slapped his shoulder with a big smile before grinning again. "I rather not die today." Jesse sighed as Petra lead him outside, where the world shined 'good morning!' to him, yet out of all days the sun greeted him, today was the worst.

"Oh, c'mon, he's Ivor, he's not gonna kill you," Petra reassured the mayor before she waved at Radar, who smiled at the two, Radar knew exactly what was happening, just like the rest of the order members.

"He's a ninja... a ninja, Petra." Jesse sighed exasperatedly, shoulders slumping for the umpteenth time in the short span of his morning. He watched as Ivor and Harper stepped out the house, smiling. Ivor's hair was still in the--now low--ponytail but he had switched back into his usual robe that Petra was quite amused--and frankly a little on the uneasy side--at seeing.

"Ivoooooooorrrrrr!" Jesse and Petra called, as they high-fived each other as Harper recoiled with a small yelp and raised an eyebrow in conclusion.  Jesse thought to himself that he might as well enjoy his last few moments with one of his best friends. Jesse waved goodbye to Petra and Harper before Ivor and himself set out for their... trip.

The walk to the forest was considerably... awkward... as someone might address, but the two were pretty content with the silence as it gave them time to think about what to say to the other (yes, Ivor thinks before he talks... now) as Jesse was a high-ranking official of Beacontown yet he had uncountable amount of respect for the alchemist from the near beginning--as escaping Petra was quite a great feat in Jesse's own opinion--and it only grew in measures.

"Jesse..." Ivor hummed as they followed the trail further up, his left hand held Soren's book and his right hand was skimming the potion bottle, just in case of any sort of emergency that crossed them. 

"Ivor..." Jesse replied as the both of them only stared at the ground, reminiscing of what to say.

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me..." Ivor's lip thinned as he thanked the adventurer and Jesse only stared at the ground, eyes widened a bit as he realized what just was said to him.

"Anytime, I just wanted to help, it was hard seeing your good relationship with the others... vanish." Jesse's eyes flitted to the scenery as Ivor smiled. The walk was long, but the two managed with stories of the Old Order from Ivor and hilarious recaps from the older adventures.

"We're here..." Ivor whispered as Jesse patted him on the shoulder.

"You'll be fineeeeeee," Jesse said, almost laughing as he heard exactly what Petra said a few dozen hours ago.

"What are you? My son?" Ivor glanced at Jesse before the two laughed, as the returned to small grins plastered on their faces, Jesse knocked on the wooden door, quietly yet firmly, the sounds echoing with a rhythmic pattern.

Gabriel opened the door almost a few seconds after the knock, Jesse and Ivor looked at the warrior with the smile on his face. Gabriel had taken off his helmet and was now clad in a blue jacket and black pants, which sent Jesse into a state of questions as he glanced up and down at the smiling man.  

"Soren's waiting for you upstairs, Ivor. Jesse, you can stay with Magnus and me." Gabriel announced as he pointed to the direction of the stairs that lead to a large library. Ivor nodded before silently going up the steps. Gabriel brought Jesse to the place he originally sat with Magnus and asked what was happening in Beacontown. It ended up with the three of them playing '20 Questions' with tons of childish jokes.

Ivor came down with Soren, the two with small content smiles. Jesse looked at Ivor with a tilted head, as if a dog just watched a cat and a rat playing with each other. 

"You sure he's not Ivor's son?" Magnus pointed at Jesse as Soren laughed, heartily before he sat down. Ivor only looked at Soren with a blank expression, eyes directed at Jesse and with a smirk he yelled:

"Jesse! Sonny-boy!" Ivor kept the smirk on his face as Magnus and Gabriel roared with laughter and Soren was wheezing with laughter. Content with himself, Ivor sat down in a nearby chair, with Jesse blinking with no words from his mouth. Magnus gasped with laughter before Ivor chuckled.

Dinner was fine as Gabriel was a decent chef (though the apron made it better in every way) and Jesse enjoyed listening to Soren and Ivor's bickering on the newest Pillager or whatever mob, it attacked villages or something. Jesse excused himself before pulling his plate off the table and taking it to the sink quickly, Jesse climbed to the roof and watched the stars, the twinkling lights making Morse as Jesse watched them dance.

"Jesse?" Ivor's voice echoed below the trapdoor and Jesse turned to an opening wooden door, Ivor wandered over, sitting down next to the young mayor. 

"Ivor?" Jesse said suddenly, turning to the dark-haired man, who cocked their head in the direction of Jesse, eyes telling Jesse to continue.

"Am I really that alike to you?" Jesse asked, tilting his head to the side, Ivor chuckled, putting an arm around him (which surprised Jesse as he found it different from what Ivor did... stay away from physical contact) and smiled.

"That's for you to decide. Going on a..." Ivor paused and laughed, as Jesse smiled, stood up, screaming:


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