An Online Love (Rushvory)

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JOKE CHAPTER, based on this:

RainingFaye theKendallStorm ---

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Rush and Ivory have been quite the friends since Ivory met her, it was blurry, like Ivory's eyesight, haha, just kidding.
One day...
One message...
Ivory sat down, her chair spinning, she smile as she logged onto Wattpad. "Ah, Rush updated..." She grinned, examining the beauty of an artwork. "Hey, Skype!" She gasped as the blue screen popped up. "It seems as I'm sort of s stalker..." She chuckled, quickly typing, her fingers whooshed through the chat, smiles and giggled would rise.
Prediction was butt sometimes... maybe not...

"XDD 100% me." Rush replied.
"XDDDDDD" "All hale would break lose if that heppned." Ivory bursted out in a fit of laughter as she saw the picture.

" Ivory bursted out in a fit of laughter as she saw the picture

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"That's 100% agreeable."
"Defo, Rush, defo."
"Is she replying?"
"Skype is a butt..." Rush tapped, send.
"I love you too."
"WHAT THE FUUUUUUUU." Ivory screamed mentally.
"oh heck, wHAT?"
"Oh... man..."
Rush's smile quickly faded, she blinked. Silence?
Dot, dot, dot... She gasped. She was kidding... right? Ivory hardcore shipped Rushdall... or maybe that was to mask her unending pain... no...
"Maybe..." Ivory looked down... biting her lip.
"Are you okay?" Rush scrambled to answer.
She had messed up...
Hasn't she.
She lay in bed as the time drained from everyone...
She sigh.
Another day.
Comes another chance.
She closed her eyes to fall, into the warming slumber.

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