Fighting For Love (Magnugaard)

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"Are you ready?" Magnus called to his true love.
"Of course." Ellegaard breathed slowly. "Olivia! Harper! Lukas! Stampy!" She called for her deputies.
"Yes ma'am!?" They stood up.
"Get ready, redstone gear?" She asked, they nodded confidently.
"Axel! Jesse! Lizzie! Nohr!" Magnus looked at them intensively, without signal, they nodded.
"All of you, get ready, also get Gabriel and his recruits." Ellegaard crossed her arms in worry, even if not showing it. All of them turned around, racing to the others.
"My love, are you okay?" Magnus hugged her tight.
"Y-yes..." She stammered.
"Then... get ready" Magnus gulped.

"Gah!" Stacy yelled.
"You okay?!" Lizzie called.
"Yep!- -To your left!" She called.
"Charge!" The enemy called out again, and again. Magnus saw Ellegaard huffing.
"I'm fine. Just... need to calm down." Ellegaard hacked down another damaged knight.

"We won..." Ellegaard looked to the crimson rained battlefield.
"I.. lost all my deputies..." His tears welled up, all of them, each single one.
"Me too..." She just noticed....
"And... Gabe...." Magnus looked around.
"At least we have... Each other..." Ellegaard sobbed into his shoulder.
"N-no, not just that..." Another voice huffed.
"Gabe?!" They called.
"And... Olivia, Axel, Lizzie and Stacy..." He stood up, dirt sprayed onto the bloody mess, the ground. The two ran toward them, hugging them with joy.
"We fought for love, and we got it." Gabriel stated.
"Thank you all...." Ellegaard called out to the alive knights and deputies."

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