Changed (Hadrvia)

302 6 15

"Great, the protocol is suppose to be at 8, not 9." Hadrian muttered as he turned back to his team.
"I suppose we could teleport there?" Soren suggested, locking his devices in.
"No, it would seem as it would be a waste of materials and what is your obsession with Endermen?!" Ivor spat, snatching his potions one-by-one off the table top.
"It's not really a obsession, I study them for Notch's sake." Soren retorted, feeling offended, he lay his glaring eyes on Ivor who bore at him in return.
"Guys, we have ten god dang minutes you dumb-wits." Mevia screeched as she look at her watch.
"Give me a few more minutes!" Harper scrambled in a panic, she clutched on the wires and redstone, stuffing it ramming it heedlessly in her sack.
"I knew I should of chose something else to wear." Otto complained, brushing the dust off his green jacket.
"Yeah, that's your fault." Harper answered, running out her room, her sack bulky with items.
"How many... things, do you have?" Ivor blinked, "and I thought your boxes in your workshop were cramped." He uttered to himself.
"Love you too." Harper chuckled, placing the bag at her feet.
"Okay, we all out?" Hadrian shouted, sarcasm whined into his tone.
"Sorrrryyyy! I was getting my mascara on." Isa apologized, smiled in return.
"Only make-up you have." Cassie grumbled, picking up the cat who zip around the team.
"Okay, you guys need to hurry, scram." Hadrian snapped, opening the door.


"Oh, man, this is exciting!" Otto's eyes sparkled as from afar, he gasp at the builds and stories built.
"I agree, this is our first year." Ivor smiled, "let's make it count."
"Agreed." The others nodded in unison.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer boomed, a wide grin on their face, "to, The Endercon Building Contest!" Everyone erupted in a burst of cheers and clapping, as the team did the same in their excitement. "You may plan with your team for another half a hour."
"Oooooh, I'm so ready!" Soren did a little hop, his smile brought another round of grins.
"You better calm down." Harper giggled, as for she lead them to their station. "Station, 21." She put her hands on her hips, grinning proudly as she shine.
"Luckily, we weren't late." Hadrian chucked as the others agreed silently.
"Hey, we go 21 out of 100 teams, I'm impressed." Otto complimented, dropping his pack on the ground in a flash. "I'm beat with this sack of things." He laughed.
"Me too." Mevia sighed as she brought her bag to the ground.
"We better start making our final ideas." Ivor suggested as everyone rushed to get their part of the team's work.


I'm here to say, legends aren't just born, the Old Builders aren't a gang of child's who had it easy, never to seek. No, each one of them, they worked harder than hard could seek, no, not just them. Everyone.
The times they build their creation into a... work of art, a tower of good and bad. Something that would change them.
I think you can do that too, reader.

"Wooo!" Isa smirked as she thumped on the ground, subtly.
"Nice landing." Cassie has said, she glanced at their beauty and jumped for the ground as well.
"Team... I think we done did it." Grinned Otto.
"Let the contest end." They shouted, together.


They past by...
No one, no one stays the same.
Even the most, loyal, smartest, caring, powerful ones.

"Off, stupid machine." Hadrian grunted in irritation. He glanced up, a figure sprinted past in. "Hey, Flash, come out." Hadrian sneered.
Hadrian didn't care for their crap anymore, he clutched his sword, swinging it in his grip. "I said, come out." Hadrian sighed, taking his steps over to the person himself, as he closed in, he heard a groan of unending pain and grunts of agony, he stepped forwards, ready to attack the in-comer. "Mevia?" He gasp as he saw the blue-haired girl take off her mask, what made a barrier once.
"Hadrian..." She looked up, blinking, her expression that was plastered to her face switched from one of pain, to one of unreadable emotions, she knew this pain, this pain. "You've.. changed..." Her eyes strained in a sorrowful glare.

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