The happy ending part 3

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Sorry about the delay. But I'm back, and BEWARE this ending will contain eastereggs that will probably have spoilers for the sonic the hedgehog movie if you haven't seen it.

Secret ending

Meanwhile on a planet thirhe with dark red sand and a blue sun, inside a huge cave. Red scaled wolves roam the caverns as the worked hard to do there jobs.

Bloodline/ work faster you worms, I want this cave perfect for the the new alpha.

Wolf 1/ if she wins, it has always been are tradition that the alpha must earn there title through honorable right which can only be earned in our galaxies culture through fighting.

Bloodline/ oh trust me, this new challenger will win. I promise you that.

Wolf 2/ PFT, whatever you say old dog.

Wolf 3/ alpha Maxi is coming!!!

The wolves then started to line up like knights as the big wolf aka alpha Maxi walks down. She wore the hide of a white elk with the antlers on the head and the fur drops down like a long cape.

Maxi/ greetings my subjects. Now who and where is this unfortunate challenger at hm?

Bloodline/she is almost here, she's helping some of our packs protect our solar system.

Maxi/ what!?!? And you allowed a loner to lead them!!??

Bloodline/ forgive me alpha, we were in a crisis and lives were at risk.

Maxi/ you are out of line. If you could have wait at least 2 more hours I would have destroyed all my enemies.

Bloodline/If I hadn't sent her to stop Kara from bringing more genetic alternated beast to another planet it would have destroyed ecosystems, it would have killed countless lives, we would be driven straight back to extinction to fast to even be considered of even thought of being an endangered race. And more importantly if you a true alpha you would be fighting to protect us instead of being a selfish tyrant!!!

Maxi roars as the 2 lash out but then a bolt of energy blasts between them. They then looked to see Lace in her human form holding her serpent wand. She now had her old lasso, enchanted whip, and her cowgirl hat. On her shoulder was vixi and behind her was a huge red wyvern dragon, who was known as Cole, Laces adopted brother.

Maxi/ what is a human doing here!!?? And how are you alive after using a serpent wand!!??

Lace/ what's the matter, does my human form bother you? I'm sorry, I have a habit of transforming into things to disturb others for a few laughs.

She then giggles as she transforms into her wolf form.

Lace/ now do you understand what I am?

Maxi/ impossible, you can't be a thirhe werwolf!! All the enchanted thirhe wolves went extinct long ago. How is this possible!!?? TELL ME NOW HALF BREED!!!

Lace/ oh calm down, ya Karen, I'll explain. It is true, all enchanted thirhe wolves are gone forever, and yet I am a thirhe werewolf. You see my friends, I may long like a teenager to you all. But in reality, I am actually much, much older. After my first death I was brought back with the help of a prophecy made possible made by the dragon gods of both insanity and the dragon god of lucidity. In the end, after a great evil is vanquished, is when the dragon god of balance would rise. A dragon god that will be written about in the history of all existence.

Sonic the hedgehog Book 1, adventures beyond the realm. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat