Chapter 3 part 4

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Look I know I said I will try my best to make these parts long but I decided to just keep them short because I got a lot of stuff at home and I have big plans for future stories once The current ones are finished or near finished. I'm sorry if you like them long but at least this way I can be more creative on some jokes to serves as better comic relief. If you guys have any super funny and good ideas let me know and I'll see if I can add them.

Okay now here's the story.

The others at the temple just sat around or they just played with dangerous old weapons while infinite tries to act like a parent to everyone.

Ember/ I hope everyone is okay.

Nova/ yeah, fist tails, Amy, knuckles, and I don't even know where bendy or Romeo is.

Dawn/ BENDY!!! Oh no what if he gets hurt!!!???

Ember/ relax sis, I'm sure he'll be fine, he may be young celestial, but he's a celestial.

Dusk/ yeah, I bet he's probably on the ship with his dad.

Nova/ *sighs* I miss Grover.

Ruby/ don't worry I bet he's on the ship where he's perfectly safe.

Lightning/ I swear if you jinx it I'm gonna kill you.

Meanwhile on the ship Romeo was flying around searching for Bendy


Tesha sees Romeo panic searching so she goes to comfort him.

Tesha/ Romeo please calm down, we'll find him I promise-

Romeo/ oh my wife is gonna kill me, I'm dead.

Tesha/ Romeo?

Romeo/ what am I gonna do-

Tesha/ Romeo.

Romeo/ when she gets back she's probably gonna hate me.

Tesha/ Romeo!

Romeo/ or worse we'll get a divorce.

Tesha/ ROMEO!!!

Romeo/ my life is over!!

Tesha has enough so she uses her tail to slap him in the face to make Romeo come to his senses.

Romeo/ I-I-I have no idea what came over me, that was-

Tesha/ embarrassing? Stupid? Pathetic?

Romeo/ I was gonna say weird.

He then walks off and packs a backpack as Tesha watches in confusion.

Romeo/ I'm gonna go find him.

Tesha/ what!!?? But it's to dangerous out there, what if Dartak wants you to go out there? What if it's part of his plan?

Romeo/ yeah well what if it's his plan to make us sit around in a ship and do nothing but hide in terror while hes still out there, huh? What if he wants us to be scared?...........*sighs* look I'm going, I don't care if he's adopted he's my son and I love him, a hardcore Celestial who doesn't have family would'nt understand.

Tesha then dashes towards him and Romeo was ready to defend himself but instead of attacking she hugged him while Kovu and Daggers jaws drop.

Tesha/ a hardcore celestial does understand. I had a family too, but it was a mortal family. After I lost them I was and still am afraid to live that life again so I decided to spend the rest of eternity fighting for freedom. *lets go of Romeo* .....go find tour son.

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