Chapter 6 part 1

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Sorry for the delay, but here's the first part of the chapter. Warning a lot of crazy/weird/random stuff happens here.



Sapphire/ yeah, what the heck!!??

Das/ sometimes peyton would let herself get captured and make us think it was an accident even thou she did it on purpose. Trust me, if she was your sister you would be as annoyed as we are.

Estrella Chief / where is Chief peyton?

Das/ 😌oh good, you speak English.🙁 But she is captured by the thing we call Dartak. Also she's not a Chief, she's a general of the whole starlands army. Pft, peyton. A leader, what a joke.

Estrella/ where is this demon cat you call Dartak? He needs to pay. Not just for destroying our home but also for hurting my daughter.

Juanita then pops in from nowhere scaring everyone.

Juanita/ HI GUYS!!!

Das/ AAH!! what where did you come from?

Juanita/ I dunno?

Rick/ I got it!!

Das/ you figured out how she got here?

Rick/ what no, I mean a plan of attack.

Meanwhile with knuckles, tails, and the others they where running around searching for a way out.

They all stopped as they took some breaths from the running.

Knuckles/ *pants* I can't breath, *pants* need water, *pants* need junk food *pants* in my belly *pants* NOW!!!

Tails/ *groans* this place is like a maze.

They then heard a low growl from behind them, in a distance down the hall.

Vector/ please tell me that's not-

Knuckles/ *gulps* it is, isn't it?

Silver/ EEEP!!!

They all turn around looking at the dark hallway as green eyes pierced through the darkness as she slowly walks into the light, stalking them.

Tails then realized he had a carton of milk in his bag so he grabs it and waves it in front of mind controlled peyton like she was a dog.

Tails/ look peyton, a carton of MIIIIIILLLLK!!!

Peyton then starts acting like a dog wanting its owner to throw a stick as tails waved it around then throws it down a hallway to the left.

Tails/ RUN!!

Peyton drinks the milk until her shock collar shocked her, and she chased down the halls searching for them. Unknowingly, they all hide in a closet as Peyton past them, when she was gone they got out and ran in a different direction. Peyton stops and turns around as she senses them again.  They kept running until they reached a dead end.

Tails/ oh no.

Knuckles/ quick let's get out before-

But Peyton was there, blocking there exit as she slowly went up to them like a predator ready to pounce on its prey. She almost pounced but then a Celestial Xenomorph jumps off the ceiling and tackles her to the ground. As the 2 fought the gang took this opportunity to escape.

The Xenomorph then bite the collar off her neck and Peyton faints. When she was unconscious more celestial Xenomorphs appear, and they started to drag her down into the vents of the building.

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