Chapter 5 part 3

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This happens a few hours earlier. Right after sonic left to save Amy.

In the middle of the night Das woke up from a horrific nightmare about Dartak

( ps it was way to dark for this book, and sense younger readers are/ could be reading this, the nightmare scene was removed. Just know that it was very bad)

Das almost weld up into tears until she felt a pair of arms tighten a bit around her waist.

She realized that rick was asleep next to her, and it made das feel save when he was around. So she snuggles into his chest and falls back asleep.

Meanwhile with Bree and shadow they were laying down outside stargazing as shadows arms were over her shoulders.

Bree/ you know, shadow, it was so sweet that you defended me. Thank you.

Shadow/ I would do anything for you. You know that.

Ember, Dusk, and Dawn/ AAAAWWW DAD!!

Shadow/ W-what are you kids doing up!? Get back to bed now!!

Dawn/ aw but dad-

Shadow/ NO BUTS!!

Dusk/ pft he he he. You said butts.

Morty/ aw jeez summer, I feel like we are the only mature kids around- LOOK A SHOOTING STAR MAKE A WISH!!!

Summer was ignoring him by playing on her phone, but pretended to listen.

Summer/ ya sure whatever morty.

Infinite was watching a tv show with Sapphire and he was crying on Sapphires shoulder while Sapphire was both annoyed but thought it was also a bit cute.

Sapphire/ say speaking of girls, I really think Grover would make a great husband for Nova one day-


Sapphire/ pft *hysterical laughter*

Infinite/ what's so funny?

Sapphire/ your an over protective dad.

Infinite/ I am not!!!

Sapphire/ oh no you definitely are hon. *laughs* you just called Nova haha your baby girl, even thou she's 16!! *laughs*

Infinite/ STOP LAUGHING!!!

Sapphire/ I can't help it, your red as a tomato!! Haha you look like a grumpy puppy with ketchup all over its fur!!! *laughs*

Infinite covers his face as he groans.

Sapphire/ aw don't feel bad *hugs him and kiss him* I still love you. But Nova isn't gonna be your baby girl forever. But no matter what, she will always be our daughter. And I'll always be there for you.

Infinite/*sighs* your right, I'm an overprotective dad. I'll do my best.

Sapphire/ thanks hon. Now let's get to sleep, we got a lot of work ahead of us.

Tesha was staying up keeping guard with Trixie, Simone, and Bill.

Tesha/ so let me get this straight, you are not a dream demon but actually a cat from another realm wereyou are related to Sapphire?

Bill/ yep, that's pretty much it.

Simon/I honestly didn't know that there's infinite realities and infinite realms. Do you think there's another version of me?

Tesha/ definitely, I've even seen a bootleg version of you in a bootleg world.

Simon/*laughs* a bootleg me. Oh my gosh, am I annoying?

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