Authors note & Chapter 6 pologue

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Chapter 6 the escape, the Alliance, the rebellion, and the war

This original was supposed to be part one of chapter 6 but since my story plans are a bit messed up at the moment and I'm a bit sick, and I have many stories to work on this is gonna be a prologue . I'm sorry if you guys wanted this to be part one, but please understand what I'm trying to do for my profile and my stories even thou I'm under the weather and very tired. But still won't let that stop me from making stories.

And sorry to say but this story is almost over, I'm sorry if there were some scenes from the trailer I skipped, but sometimes things change. And like all Greta stories they must eventually come to a end. I really wanted to make it longer but sadly this is it. But I will do my best to give you guys a satisfying ending along with some special bonus endings from certain characters. And hints and clues on what's gonna happen next, or possible in the future of my stories (which I will hide in plain sight).

be prepared cause this ones gonna be a long chapter.

Grover/ okay, this is very bad. That was a lot of shadow demons.

Bob/ I know. Just be quiet, we're almost there-

He was inturupted when Tesha jumps onto him and was about to attack but she realized who it was.

Tesha/ WHAT!? What are you doing here??!!

Grover/ stop, I let him out!!

Tesha/ What is wrong with you boy??Letting this, filth lose!!??

Grover/ I wanted to search for Nova, I'm worried sick for her.

Tesha/ Uhg I told you kid, that she's gonna be fine. I had it handled, but thanks to your insubordination, I now have another child to take care of. Great, just my luck.

Bobby/ well I ain't taking care of this cat anymore, he asks way to many questions-

Tesha/ I wasn't talking to you.

Grover/ hey, I'm not some baby who needs a babysitter, I can take care of myself.

Tesha/ maybe in your world, but look around,your not in a safe world, And just because your a teenager doesn't make you a grown man, boy. You may have grown, but your still a kid. *glares at Zaak* and I'll talk to you later. No everyone be quiet and follow me.

Everyone was quiet as they followed Tesha to a huge stone temple and inside was the others preparing for war.

Nova was getting her weapon ready with her friends until she saw Grover enter the area. She gets up as she runs over to Grover.


Grover/ Nova?

The 2 then hugged as they skinned around.

Grover/I'm so happy your okay, how did you get here?

Nova/ I don't know, I was minding my own business and then after everything went dark a ended up here.

Grover/ I'm just so happy your okay, I missed yo so much.

Infinite then notices Grover was here and immediately got mad. He was about to go over and separate them, but Sapphire grabs him by the tail and drags him off.


Everyone stopped and stood silently as Estrellas headed towards them. They landed on the center of the arena wearing Aztec like armor, with an unknown metal instead of wood. The Estrella with

Estrella /*speaks in Nahuatl* Tikpiah wala wikpa in yaoyotl. Zan as in celestial pixki otlahtolana of Tehuantin.

Sonic / uh, does anyone know what any of that means in English?

Tesha/ they are the Nahu Estrellas from Azlanica, they speak in Nahuatl. They said that they have come for the war. Just as the celestial guardians asked of them, which makes no sense, nobody was at Azlanica during that time.

Das/ maybe you didn't know peyton was there.

Tesha/ what do you mean. She was never there, if she was there I would have sensed it.

Das/ I mean, Peyton knew this would happen. She must of had a vision of the future to tell her the best way to win.....She got captured on purpose again.

To be continued
so sorry it's short.
Truly I am.
Please forgive me.

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