Chapter 3 part 3

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I also added videos of Das crash mind vision, I know there crappy but it's the best I could do. And I hope this long part makes it up for leaving you guys with short ones.

Dartak sits on his throne inside the old temple looking  at multiple cameras, behind his throne was a starcase that lead to the top of the temple outside, to the roof where silhouette was still tied to the stone table, and Dartak still watching the cameras.

There was one camera he had his eyes on the most, the one that said Das vision. He had a special device connected to the screens by many wires that had many buttons, levers and switches. He forced das vision into multiple glitches and types of vision, along with making many technical noises to keep her in line.

Das was galloping through the woods as she growls at the pain she constantly felt. He then pulls out a microphone as he spoke to das into he head.

Dartak/ how does it feel, it hurts you, doesn't it? Now, go kill the fox and the rest of Sonics friends, or silhouette will become the same weapon I've made you into.

Das/ *roars* *gallops faster*

Das runs more and more as rain storms covered the sky.

Meanwhile tails, Amy, Espio, silver, knuckles, Charmy, cream, vector, Rouge and big. We're in the woods looking for the others.

Knuckles/ uh we've been walking forever, can we take a break?

Tails/ yah, I can't take it anymore.

They stopped and looked at the sky and saw the clouds, then they saw 2 old houses.

Silver/ let's get inside those houses, half of us in each.

All the boys took one house, while the girls took the nicer one as they rested.

Tails/ I wonder if there's people in this world?

Espio/ I don't know, there's barley any signs of animals other then birds.

Silver/ true but there's barley any now, it's like they just vanished.

Vector/ maybe they knew a storm was coming?

Knuckles/ but it's not even that bad out there.

Tails/ maybe there just more skittish here.

Amy then looks outside and sees das, but something was wrong.

Cream/ *gasps* it's das were saved, DA-

Rouge covers her mouth, as the ducked for cover right before das sees them.

Das then slowly walks to the house as she growls.

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