Chapter 6 part 4

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Dartak/ it's almost ready, once the portals are open I will summon the demonic Valdi and I will become the new king of the shadow demons, And My legacy will live on for eternity.

A soldier bursts in as he pants.

Soldier 1/ my lord, there on there way.

Dartak/ good, prepare the troops.

The soldier leaves as silhouette tied to the cross was confused.

Silhouette/ good, what do you mean.

Dartak turns to her as he spoke.

Dartak/ please, do you honestly think that you are what I need? Oh no, your only her as my live bait.

Silhouette/ for who?!

Dartak/ for Peyton of course, you see you are only able to summon Valdi and open one portal. After that I will lay my first kill on her with this diamond at the edge of this handle to destroy all the worlds that have all my enemies. Including, the center starlands.

Silhouette/ NO YOU CANT!!

Dartak/oh no sweetheart I definitely can, and I will finally put those filthy immortal embarrassments in there place. In the extinction list of lost gods, where they belong. After I become unstoppable I think I'll just kill all your mortal friends just to test out my new powers, starting with sonic and all thoses brats.

Silhouette/ NO STOP!!!

He then covered her mouth with a cloth tied around her head as he flips a few switches on his machines.

Dartak/ it's to late for that. Every failure, every fight, every unexplainable and unreasonable act I make has all lead up to this moment I have been waiting for all my life. How a mortal can become immortal. Now if you will excuse me, I have an army to delay before my plan can truly begin.

Meanwhile in the woods on the hill everyone stand tall as they all looked down at the temple. All of Sonics friends, all of the Estrellas, celestials and Xenomorphs, looked down. Ready for war, minda points to the sky as the mind controlled Estrellas started flying down towards them. The Estrellas that weren't mind controlled fly, charging towards them as they fought with all there strength to get rid. The riders on them.


Tanda then roars as everyone screams and flies or runs down the hill as an army of mind controlled shadow demons and soldiers with sci-fi weapons ran for the attack.

The army then collid as everyone fought with all the skills and all there powers.

the 2 fusions we're back to back with each other as The fought off the demons by hand. They all then looked up to see some airborne battlecradts firing missile like blasts.


Minda/ I see them, SARID!! COSMIC!!

Nikki And Minda then held their hands together and stood in a position like they were about  o serve a volleyball.

Sarid and cosmic then realized what to do and nodded at each other as they ran towards them. Sarid jumps onto Nikki's hands and cosmic on Mindas as the 2 launched Sarid and cosmic high into the air very quick as they spin dashed right through multiple ships really quick and they all exploded.

Bob was standing on Zaaks back as he fire his weapons at soldiers from different directions.

Amy was using her hammer as she knocked some sense into all her enemies and tails was using all his gadgets he had. But all of them eventually break after a while of usage.

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