Chapter 2 part 2

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Sonic couldn't see because a bag was still over his head, but he could feel that someone or something had his hands tied up. After a while of walking he heard a metal door open, then his hands were freed as he was kicked down. He heard the metal door close as he ripped the bag of his head. He saw that he was in a prison cell that had one giant glass wall facing an arena. He tried to spin dash and break it down but everything he tried bounces right off.

He then heard a familiar voice.

?/ it's no use spin dashing sonic, I've already tried.

He looked to his left and saw an metal bar opening and saw himself, only he had a bandanna around his neck and was taller.

sonic/ who are you?

Sonic Boom/ I'm you from another realm, I'm sonic Boom, but people around here call me SB. And the guy to the other side of your cell is another sonic named Sonic Mania. Hey Mania, we got a new neighbor.

Sonic mania (aka Classic Sonic) was sleeping but when he heard what sonic boom said he jumped to his metal bared window and waved hi as Sonic.

Sonic boom/ yeah he doesn't talk much, I call him Mania.

Sonic/ nah I think I would rather call you guys just sonic.

Sonic boom/ okay just don't get confused.

Sonic/ where are we?

Sonic boom/ your in the ghetto falcons battle arena, it's were they worship the dragon gods of fighting, action, and sometimes gore.

Sonic/ are you saying that we're in-

Sonic boom/ the ghetto falcons base? Yes, we are. Along with many other prisoners and criminals here.

Sonic/ are they gonna make us fight?

Sonic Boom/  not as long as you follow orders, don't try to escape and hope they don't get bored. If they aren't bored and don't get us in trouble will be okay and they'll only make the special prisoners fight. Just act weak if you don't want to die.

Sonic/ special prisoners? What's so special about that?

Sonic Boom/ special to them not to the prisoners there "special" prisoners are ones specifically chooses for fighting. Like Estrella-Deseos, Beastasaurus, Nova Phoenixs, Paheinuvs, Celestials Guardians, Re-boned Scalecrawlers-

Sonic/ wait what did you say?

Sonic Boom/ Re-boned Scalecrawlers?

Sonic/ no before that.

Sonic Boom/ celestial Guardians?

Sonic/ oh no.

The arena crowd cheered as they saw a cat like creature inside a hovercraft over the arena speaking through the speaker. Sonic looked carful at the arena, it was huge circle, as long 20 cruise ships and as wide as 20 too.

Announcer/ alright, who is ready to see immortal life forms fight to the death.

Crowd Cheers like animals

Crowd/ Death, Death, Death, Bring the Death!!! Death, Death, Death, BRING THE DEATH!!! DEEEEEEAAAAATH!!!

Sonic/ these people are crazy!!!

Announcer/ well today we have new opponents to bring to are arena today. Starting off today is are strongest champion, he's the bird of flames, and immortal Phoenix god of the suns, here he is. TRYRANT!!!!!!

A giant Phoenix the size of a large house, bursts out a metal gate, covered in flames. He flew around the arena with the flames hitting against a force field that only appears and is visible when touched. The Phoenix then landed on the ground as it scorch the ground.

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