Chapter 3 part 1

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Dartak was mixing some chemicals while he took occasional glances at the unconscious Das and silhouette to make sure that they aren't planning anything. Silhouette was still tighter to the table and Das was still inside the giant incubator full of liquid. She did jolt and move a little a few times, maybe some even involved her hitting the tanks glass but she was still out cold. Even out cold das was still fighting trying to escape but the devices attached to her are to strong and the incubator was strong enough to hold her in.

Scarlet and the otheres enter the room wearing special armor and carried special weapons made to help kill celestials.

Dartak/ you 3 know what to do, Scarlet? You will go after Bree.

Scarlet/ *crazy laughs* with pleasure.

She then flies away as Dartak looks at venom.

Dartak/ I you will go to Sonics world and make sure my plans are going to plan, if you see any suspicious activity alert me at once. If you find any spies or anyone who dares to Interfere or stand against me, you have my permission to give them a slow and painful death.

Venom/ pft please killing is like my thing.

Venom leaves the area as Anti stood like a soldier.

Dartak/ and as for you, I want you to find those brats before anyone else does. Once you do send me the location and finish them off. I want those pest dead before there parents find them.

Anti nods as he teleports away and a soldier enters the room.

Soldier/ my lord are you sure these ,beings, are up to the task or even worth trusting?

Dartak/ *chuckles* of course not, I know they can't succeed with my orders. Well at least not entirely. You see there only purpose is to buy me more time to complete the final ceremony. Once completed I will soon have the ability to never die, and if some who I did die or become erased from existence, I will simply just come back to life.

Soldier/ and what does this have to do with Silhouette and Das?

He then walks around Das incubator as he grins looking at her.

Dartak/ you see long ago before I discovered the wonders of Darkness in an realm were fanfiction is able to roam free, without that stupid copyright government. I was searching for a way to become an immortal life form. And all the scientists before have conducted multiple theories that the celestials are the missing link, the lost key to becoming completely immortal, and unstoppable. I can to that world knowing that one day a Celestial would come, and when her mother was forced to abandon her during an awful attack, I stayed waiting in my time alternating world until my spies brought her to me. I simply earned her trust, and tricked her into falling in love with me by using the psychological and biology of these gorgeous, beautiful beasts.

He then held a paw to the tank as if he wanted to gently pet her.

Dartak/ I do admit that when I was alive, I gained feelings to. I told her that it will all be over soon. That I will help her become a normal pony. But when she escaped, and when she found the truth. She raged out at me, after a while of trying, and fighting, and deaths, and a long lasting war. We came to the fight, as we fought the world burned. She saved me, but I foolishly took advantage and tried to betray her again, I was only thinking about the power, about the fame, the pride, I was not once thinking of her when I should have. When I came to my senses I have realized what I have done, and I left her behind as she fell to her knees and beg for me to come back.

He then looked at his reflection at the glass realizing that he had black ink like tear fall down his eye, and when it hit the ground it began to wither and decay. He stared at his monsterous reflection as he remembered a time when he was alive, when he had bright orange fur, and green eyes. In his mind, Half off his face was shown the the reflection from the past before he became a demon, and the other half was a casted shadow showing what he is now.

Sonic the hedgehog Book 1, adventures beyond the realm. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora