Chapter 1 part 2

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When Peyton and Silhouette teleports outside the house they immediately ran in and headed towards the kids. When they saw them they were at shock.

Peyton/ no way, I thought, c-could it be.

Bree/ oh my gosh are they gonna be okay, what's wrong with my kids!

Shadow/*coughs* our kids *cough*

Silhouette/ this. is. AWESOME!!

Sapphire/ uh what!?!?

Peyton/ this isn't a disease or virus, it's kinda like a thing Celestials get when there powers are increasing at a young age. This means that your kids are gonna be very strong, and healthy!

Bree/ how healthy?

Silhouette/ health enough to where no virus, bacteria or anything harmful think like that could ever harm them for there entire lives. It means that your kids will almost never get sick, not even if they were in a room full of Ebola patients. Nothing will make them sick or harm them.

Peyton/ yeah and it also mean they don't ever have to stay at home sick, they can go to school and never have to go home sick. No skipping school.

Dusk/ aaaaww, I hate school!!

Peyton/ just let them rest and it will go away,it might happen every few weeks but after the 3rd week is when it stops coming back. That's when there bodies will fully adjust to there growing powers.

Ace/ so wait, are you saying that I'm gonna have super powers!!??

Peyton/once the process is done possible yes.

Silhouette/ Thou it's very strange, usually it only happens to wild celestials. And you guys aren't born a Celestial.

Bree/ yeah and are powers aren't working.

Peyton/ hm, let me see your hands.

Sapphire/ uuuuhh.

Peyton/ look do you 2 want your powers back or not?

Sapphire/ oh uh yes please.

Peyton grabs there hands and inspect them as if she was looking for a splinter. She then hums in confusion as she let go and think.

Peyton/ when was the last time any of you all took a vacation?

Knuckles/ uuuuuuuh

Silhouette / you don't even know.

Knuckles/ uh no I do it's, uh, does holidays count?

Peyton/ okay, I think I know why you can't use your powers. You all have been to busy and stressed out.

Silhouette/ I bet all your work with your jobs, and parenting causes lots of stress, and with egghead attacks I bet it only makes you all stress more.

Sonic/ ... yeah we can't really take a vacation.

Peyton/ I'll tell you what I'll pay all your bosses from your jobs to make you have a vacation, and I'll protect the world from Eggman.

Sonic/ that sounds awesome but uh, what about the kids?

Peyton/ well silhouette will take them with you and entertain them while you guys enjoy some free time.

Amy/ oh that would be so Romantic honey, a lovely trip for just-*realizes that sonic is gone* sonic?

Amy then sees sonic with the boys cheering.


Amy/ *sighs* typically.

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