Chapter 3 part 2

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I made this part short because it took me forever to write the song, I'm sorry and will try m best to make it longer for the next part. Again I'm very sorry. I'm bad at making these longer then they are original supposed to be. But I hope you like it.

Nova looked behind and saw Star screech.

Nova/ star? Your back.

Star/yes, and I have no idea where we are.

Nova looks around and sees nothing but jungle around her along with tall stone pillar made by nature.

Nova/ let's fly to the top.

Nova jumps but instead of flying she fell on her face.

Nova/ what the, what happened, I should be flying?

Star/ did I forget to mention not all our powers work?

Nova/ and why didn't you tell me that before I almost got a bloody nose?

Star/ I don't know?

Nova/ *sighs* I guess were climbing.

The 2 had climbed for hours and when they reached the top they saw a beautiful jungle paradise, filled with unusual creatures and even dinosaur.

Nova/ oh no please don't tell me we're stuck in the past!!??

Star/....okay, I won't.

They then heard a strange sound.

Star/ what's that noise?

Nova looks behind then and sees a energy blast raging towards them.

Nova/ JUMP!!

They both jumped to a different pillar at the one they were previously on crumpled to the ground.

They looked up and saw Anti shooting them from the sky wearing strange armor over his old one, wearing a jet pack and holding a big tek gun. Star tried firing a blast multiple times with Nova but they had zero effect. They then panicked as they stared at each other.



Nova/... RUN!!

They both jumped from pillar to pillar as anti open rapid fire on them. They did there best dodged as they jumped from pillar to pillar. Anti then lands on a pillar and starts chasing them, occasionally opening fire when he had the chance but kept missing.

Star And Nova then jumped to a dead end as they stopped at the ledge of a pillar next to a giant water fall below leading to a dark abyss.


Anti then lands at the other end and takes aim.

Nova And Star hugged as the prepared for the blast.

Nova/ if this is the end I just want you to know that your like a sister to me.

Star/ I love you like a sister to.

They closed there eyes, but something happened, the pillar tumbled and Sat and Nova fell down the abyss. Nova then created a shield around them as they bounced down the abyss from rock to rock. They then landed on flat ground, so nova let her shields down as they started to hide. Star And Nova hide behind a rocks as anti searched. When he searched in a different direction, Star And Nova took advantage off the moment and sneak away. But in there direction anti popped out from around the corner and shot as Nova and star jumped out of the way and ran into the cave and anti Chasing them. But nether of them notice that there was an old sign saying "beware, the Beastasaurus den, turn back now."

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