The happy ending part 1

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These next few parts in this part of this chapter will have references to something that actually did happen to me in real life a long time ago when I was young. You see long ago I had serious food poisoning and I thought I was gonna die I was so scared but the doctors were kind and reassured me that everything was gonna be fine. It wasn't anything life threatening but I was still very scared. Thank god I recovered faster then the doctors expected because the hospital had always made me nervous.

please note that the food poisoning story in this is highly exaggerated for this story.

Bree and Sapphire/ PEYTON!!!

Atlas runs up to her and hugs her tightly.

Atlas/ oh Thank the dragon gods your okay!!!!

Everyone then runs up and hugs her making her turn blue from being squeezed by everyone. Except for rick, the Villianous group, and Das who just watched and laughs at Peyton's reaction.

Peyton/ can't.....breath!!!

Everyone then let's go as Peyton catches her breath but she didn't have long before amy threw her hammer at her head.

Peyton/ Ow


Peyton/ woahwoah Amy wait, wait I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you guys, it took me a while to regenerate enough power to return.

Bree/ it's okay but we thought you really died.

Peyton/ please it takes more then food poisoning to kill me.

Das/ wait, you were dying from food poisoning? What did you eat that got you food poisoning?


Peyton's real mom/ now Peyton don't eat the bacon yet it's not completely done yet.

Real Peyton/ but mommy!!! I'm so hungry do I have to wait?

Real mom/ yes. *leaves the room*

Peyton/........*eats all the undercooked bacon like a pig.

Real mom/ 😡😡😡PEYTON!!!!!

Real Peyton/*screams and runs away*

Flashback end

Peyton/.......uh i think it was the seafood.

Das/ dang it Peyton I told you that seafood is bad for you!!!!

Peyton/ aw come on sis you know I can't resist free food. I mean come on, it was free!!! Oh I just remember when black hat was talking to silhouette it was so romantic, but that was no where near as cute when in his timeline when he yelled "MY SILHOUETTE" at that bad guy who hit her.

Black hat/ *blushes*

Silhouette/ 🥰😁my hero

Black hat/ what, I don't remember saying that!!! And that's hardly what matters, in that moment I surpassed you Peyton!!!

Peyton/ ya you sure did, I guess if some strong guy comes along I guess all we have to do is get them to hit silhouette and we be all good.

Black hat/ *growls*

Silhouette runs up to Peyton

Silhouette/😡THATS REALLY FUNNY!!!*slaps her*

Peyton/ OW!!!

Sapphire/ what how did you know about that, you weren't here yet?

Bree/ wait a minute you were watching the fight weren't you!!!??

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