Chapter 2 part 3

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This chapter also has some artwork made by Bree and me so give breezy-bree2 some credit for her artwork, and I would have never been able to have the triplets as super celestials without her help. Okay now here's the moment of truth the very first transformation.

In Sapphires holtel room, Nova and all her friends were all ready for there secretly mission to stop Dartak.

Nova/ okay guys before we finish getting ready, we also have others joining us.

Ember/ who?

Nova/ it's Grover

Grover/ hi

Nova/ Bendy

Bendy/ hi guys

Nova/ and Star screech.

Ruby/ are you crazy Nova Star screech!!!

Lightning/ she's a villain.

Nova/ I know guys but, she wants to take down Dartak too so we're at a truce until he's gone.

Thunder/ and how do we know she isn't siding against us?

Dusk/ yeah.

Nova/ cut it out guys she's helping us and that's final-


Dawn/ what was that!!!???

Everyone ran out of the room and into a giant basketball arena were Silhouette was fighting a dark scaled creature. It had a long snake like body with a spiked tail, and legs. It's humongous wings on its back looks like they were for flying and running and climbing. And it had a dragons head with big frills. It was a shadow demon.

The demon moved in unnatural movements like it was a rag doll and a glitched up animation. Silhouette heart was racing in her chest, and at the wall showed silhouettes health which looks like it was made for monitoring her health in the basketball court.

Everyone then ran towards the demon and attacked with everything they could but it had no effect on the beast and it knocked everyone back when it simply open its wings.

Silhouette got on her feet weakly as she begged for the beast to leave them alone. But the beast didn't listen to a single word, as it coiled around everyone and started to crush them with an evil grin. The cries of pain from the kids made her rage grew as her heart beats so fast that the monitors on the wall made a sound like a rolling drum.


Her heart then stopped as she collapsed to the ground.


Demon/ *demonic laughs* I knew that would work, *drops the kids* now the last of Arkena is gone forever. *demonic laughs*

Bendy growled as his rage grew as the demons laugh got louder. The ground and the walls colors then drains from everywhere and towards bendy as the rainbow liquid surround him and turned him into a pile of black and rainbow goo. The goo then had a paw like hoof Burst from the ground as the the creature slowly morphed into a new form.

Bendy the celestial in Color Demon form

Bendy the celestial in Color Demon form

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