Chapter 7 part 2

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Everyone stopped when Dartak looks and sees Peyton's body.

Everyone fighting him like looks where he was looking and froze.

Silhouette/ NO!!!

Everyone then goes to her as Dartak just hovers in the air smiling at the tears being shed.

Bree/ NO PEYTON!!!

Sapphire/ Come on get Up please!!!

Silhouette/ Peyton please don't leave us!!

Dartak/ oh but she is leaving you, when she dies she will be gone forever.

Black hat/ that's impossible she's immortal, she comes back after death.

Dartak/ the real world peyton doesn't. You see when the barrier is interfere between the real world and uh, somewhere else the real world becomes, uh lawless to physics, gravity, time, ect. She right now is trapped in the void between, as her family is looking for her, completely unaware that she is in her own bedroom lying on her soon to be death bed. It's a shame really, for a girl with such hope, such compassion, such care, such goodness she has had a hard life, and yet even when her life is horrible she still smiles and laughs at the misery like it was a joke. I wonder is she will be laughing after she never gets to be free to imagine anything ever again.

Silhouette/*cries as she holds peyton*

Bree and Sapphire glare at him as everyone was either crying or getting angry at Dartak.


Dartak/ yes I am definitely a monster. I monster that will succeed immortality with the disease like corruption will not only kill her, but erase from from existence along with the Dragon God Autisa and the fictional one that suffers in her arms. And when that happens everyone in the real world will forget she even existed in the first place. That is how I will be come immortal.

Black hat/ ARE YOU MAD!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!! If another dragon god dies more demons will terrorist imagination, there playing you, you FOOL!!!

Dartak/ oh wow, the strongest black hat in existence is now playing hero huh? I guess my failed experiment even made you weak as well. Pft so much for a villain weak hat, maybe after she dies I'll kill everyone starting with that stupid shadow you call a wife.

White hat/ oh dear!!

Flug/were all gonna die


Clemencia/ you just said the word!!!

Dartak/ I said what word-

Then black hat grabs Dartak by the throat and strangles him.


The 2 then fight as everyone gets back in the fight except for Silhouette holding Peyton as her child did there best to comfort her. Red and Death hug her while Villainous holds Peyton's hand, the one thing she desperately wanted to meet for a long time.

Amy/ we can't give up, there has to be a way to save her!!

?/ there is a way.

Everyone looks as someone gets out of a ship, it was rick and Morty.

Beth/ dad, did you find them?

Rick/ only one.

Then das gets out of the ship, with a different look.

Das/ man they weren kidding abou that train being infinite*sees silhouette and peyton*

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Das/ man they weren kidding abou that train being infinite*sees silhouette and peyton*

Das then jumps out of the ship and hugs silhouette.

Silhouette/ das, Peyton she's...what do we do?

Das/ we need to bring her to Autisa, she is the creator of matter. And the only dragon god that is linked with Peyton. We need to bring her to Autisa lair and throw her into the Lake of flaming strange matter.

Silhouette/ ARE YOU INSANE!!! She's already dying, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL HER FASTER!!!??

Das/ it's the only way to bring her back. But Dartak is getting to strong, he's absorbing and replicating Everyone's ability's and using them in a stronger more powerful dark form. But the effect does nothing on Immortals. I have to stay and fight but I can teleport one of you to travel the endless world of treasure known as the dragon lair of Autisa. But only an immortal of a previous immortal can survive the area.

Romeo/ I'll do it.

Tails/ but Romeo-

Romeo/ admins are basically a god so I'll do it. Anything to bring Timber back.

Das/ okay.

Das then picks peyton up as she waits for Romeo.

Romeo then gives white hat his baby as he rushed to das, and before he could say a word in his defense they already left.


White hat/ HEY WAIT-.....NO FAIR!!!

Baby's laugh.

When Romeo and Das teleport they were in a huge land. The sky was covered with stars and billions of galaxies mashed together in the sky. The ground was covered will gold, gems, and treasure beyond guessing how much there was. Some areas of the treasure covered land had rivers of green liquid that did many strange things like turning into gold, alternating gravity and physics, and many strange and unusual things.

Das/ that green stuff is strange matter, follow the river and it will lead you to Autisa, she is inside the Lake already with real world Peyton's Spirit but there is one more person missing.

Romeo/ her.

Das/ exactly. Don't worry about running, time works differently here, since Autisa is weak time is frozen. Once's they are healed time will be fixed, and everyone will return to there timeline. After that is when hopefully we have a chance to get rid of Dartak for good.

Romeo/ I won't fail you, but if I don't make it. Take care of my kids, and tell Timber I love her.

Das/ I will..

Das then hands him Peyton who's situation was growing worse

Das/ see you in 30 minutes.

Das then Teleports away as Romeo starts his journey to fix time and space and to prevent not just Peyton's but also Autisa's death. The dragon god of Autism can not die. She can't.

To be continued

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