Chapter 6 part 2

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Beth/ okay let me get this straight, Dartak is actually not dead, my dad lied to me about him being gone, those animal things are called möbiuses, Peyton is also the queen of the xenomorphs, and if Dartak isn't stopped everyone dies from Portals from the shadow realm.

Everyone then agrees and nods.

Beth/ okay, no more adventures for the kids until Dartak is gone for good, we're going home now!!

Shadow/ wait, what did she just freakin call me early!!

Sonic/now now shadow calm down she's just confused, okay.

Shadow/pft, whatever.

Rick/ As much as I want to leave and end this fanfic story we can't. if Dartak opens the portals theres no doubt he will open one in are world.

Tails/ and you know this how?

Rick/ one I'm the smartest being from my world, and 2, Peyton told me.

Peyton/ what? No I didn't!!

Das/ yeah you did, your eyes were glowing green, and you explained how we can stop Dartak.

Peyton/ no I didn't.

Rick/ hmm.....she doesn't remember?

Das/ did you hit your head again?!!

Peyton/ no?

Das/ did you drink to much soda?

Peyton/ no.

Das/ to much junk food?

Peyton/ no!

Das/ did you touch any milk?

Peyton/ NNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Das/ ......well, I'm lost.

Rick/ my guess is some ultra powerful being told her to tell us how to beat Dartak.

Sonic/ well, what was it?

Das/ he said it had to be strongest sonic and the strongest shadow to beat him, in a fight.

Rick/ so which of you is the strongest? The tall ones, or the middle size? Oh or is it the silent midget?

Morty/ RICK!!

Rick/ what!! I can't help it, I wanna go home!!!

Morty/ we can leave after we stop Dartak, I will not lose Jessica!!!!

Rick/ okay, fine morty, I'll do my best to be nice!!

Bree/ *whispers to sapphire* I am so confused on how a kind and cool person like das, is into a rude man like him?

Sapphire/ *whispers back to bree* me too, it's so strange.

Sonic boom/ well obviously it's me who's the strongest sonic.

Shadow Boom/ pft, I'm obviously the strongest shadow, strong enough that I don't need to work with a pathetic excuse of a hedgehog.

Shadow/ please, you can't even hand to take simple orders. Your ego is not your strength, it makes you weak.

Shadow boom/ at least I'm not being held back by a woman who tells you what to do all the time. And you do it because you can't beat anything.

Shadow/ I listen to my wife because I love her, you idiot.

Everyone then argues with each other to who is the strongest, until Peyton was to annoyed, so she roars loud enough to make everyone cover there ears.

Peyton/ I know how to settle this, I have a special time chamber where I train, it's where time is slowed down extremely slow. One hour in the real world, will be a year in the Chamber. There I am going to train you till you feel pain. Then when you recover we are doing it again. And my healing powers are extremely effective. After 2 hours I will decide who is the strongest, then I will grab the others and prepare them for the war.

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