Chapter 6 part 6

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I was gonna just use one song but I decided to add 4 more, 2 are chosen by Sapphire and Bree them selfs.

Here's the 2 songs I choose.

This one is choosen by Sapphire

This one is chosen by Bree

Dartak takes a swing at shadow and sonic with each hand but the 2 ducked down as they ran past him confusing Dartak so Bree and Sapphire can lay a hit on him. The 2 raised there arms and fired rapid bowlingball size blasts from their hands like a machine gun. Dartak then sees the blasts and immediately raises his arms to deflect the energy balls as he ran towards them. He jumps and Bree and Sapphire moved to the side as Dartak fails his attempt to punch them and instead makes a huge crater in the ground.

Sapphire and Bree then kicks him from different angles but Dartak grabs there foots and throws them back. Shadow and sonic scream in anger as they spin dash towards him with speed faster then light and hit his back throwing him into the air.

Dartak screams in anger as he started shootings beams of constant energy at them like a dragon in all sorts of directions forcing everyone, even the ones watching to dodged and head for cover.

Terry then teleports behind him ready to attack but Dartak smiles as he punches terryin the gut. Terry then grabs his arm as infinite uses his elbow to jab him in the eye. Dartak roars with more anger as everyone flies up to surround him and throw punches and kicks as he either dodge or blocked all of them.

Dartak then forms a light of energy around him as he blows everyone back down to earth. He the flys towards shadow and grabs him as he moves him around crazily like it was just an angry kid fighting a toy doll. Shadow screams as sonic turns brighter gold and spin dashes at him. Shadow escapes his grip and joins sonic as the pushed Dartak through the ground, screaming with fury and Dartak screaming in pain and anger, as he does his best to escape but fails.

After sonic and shadow stopped dartak crashes into a mountainside and gets up as they fought again making explosions in the sky from every hit that makes contact. Tanda and Trixie speak to each other as the fight went on.

Tanda/ unbelievably, I never knew a mortal could ever be as fast as a god, or even close, and he hasn't even unlocked his true potential.

Trixie/ what, you mean these mortals are stronger then what they seem.

Tanda/ I think I am starting to see how it was possible for a mortal to kill something as undying as a dragon god.

Trixie/ your saying that the rumors of the dragon god of Imagination, image, the rumor of her death, could be true after all this time.

Sonic the hedgehog Book 1, adventures beyond the realm. Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora