Chapter 1 part 3

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This part of the story will feature artwork made by both me and breezy-bree2


Nova shook in her sleep as she experienced a terrible nightmare.


In here dream she was surrounded by darkness with only one spotlight on her.

Nova/ ...hello?

Here's brees art of star screech

Here's brees art of star screech

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And here's my version

And here's my version

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Star/ Nova?

Nova/ Star? Where are you, you better not try to prank me again-

She froze as she saw Star fall to the ground covered with cuts and bruises.

Nova/ oh no Star!!

She ran to her side and helped her up.

Star/ not even in my super form I couldn't stop him. He's to strong.

Nova/ who did this to you.

?/ what's wrong Star, not evil enough to beat me.

A cat like creature with a scaly skin and fur on its head came into the light. He wore a lab coat torn up like he was mangled by a lion. He only had fur around his head, face, tail, and ears. The rest of his body had scales. And his eyes were glowing fire red. It was Dartak.

Star/ quick Nova wake up, hurry!!!

Nova/ wha wha I don't know what's going on.

Star/ Uhg do I have to do everything.

Star glowed as Dartak attempts to grab them but Nova woke up as Stars gem fell to the ground. It then glows as she transforms to her original form.

Nova/ Star, who was that, what's going on. Also how are you here, and what were you doing in my head.

Star/ I don't know, but I do know that, that thing is dangerous, it took him a second to beat me, and he was barely even trying.

Nova/ what does he want.

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