Chapter 4 part 2

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Summer, rick and morty arrived at the area but there was nothing left but destroyed forest.

Morty/ ah jeez rick, look at this place, it's almost like there was no forest.

Rick/ I'm not an idiot morty I can see that-

He stepped on something that made a crack. He looks and sees broken glass with water leaking out. He kneels down and grabs a piece. He breaks it in half and pulls out a microscope and looks inside.

Rick/ ah son of a-... he's back.

Morty/ .....uh who's back.

Rick/......😠....*stands back up and drops the weird glass*.....Dartak.

Meanwhile with Nova.

Dawn/ uh why are we doing this?

Nova/ we can't just sit around while so much crap is going on. We gotta go help.

Ember/ and besides we're Celestial now, we got this.

Dusk/ uh do I have to be the only boy that gets to go? Can't I take Thunder?

Dawn, Ember and Nova/ NOOOO!!

The 2 found a secret path so the enter but Ember stayed behind to talk to The others real quick.

Ember/ okay guys, cover for us?

Lightning/ you know it. Ow hurry before I infinite finishes the tv show.

Back with infinite

Infinite was crying like a girl with no the other kids while Ace was embarrassed.

Ace/ dad, please stop, it's not even that sad.

Infinite/*sobs* buts it's just so beautiful, *coughs**sobs*  I can't help myself.

Tv/ I may be a duchess, but I am also a jackal



Infinite then cry's as he screams and hugs ace like he was a kid while the others look at him like infinite was not acting like himself. Even the wild birds outside look at him like, "what the what!!" Ace then looks at the birds giving him strange looks and yells at them as he pointed to his crying father.


Infinite/ SHES A JACKAL!!! NOT A DOG!!! ITS LIKE THE UGLY DUCKLING!!!! *crys more*

Ace/ I'm serious birds I do not know this guy.

Back with Nova they were now deeper in the path until they reached a dead end with a dead end. Dusk saw a lever.

Nova/ okay now whatever we do, do not touch anything.

Dusk/ *pulls lever*

Nova/ what did I just say-

The floor beneath them fell and they were falling down into a big stone water slide that separates everyone. Tails and his friends were in the tunnels looking around, and while knuckles was talking a nap a open window showed Nova rush past him as she yelled.

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