Chapter 1 part 1

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Chapter 1
From Vacation to disasters

Many years later.

Sapphire and infinite are worried about her kids Ace and Nova, there both sick, the doctors aren't any help at all, and they think it's spreading because Bree and shadows kids are sick now too.

Bree/ Uhg those darn doctors are wrong!!

Shadow/ honey, cool down.

Bree/ cool down!? Are kids are sick, her kids are sick, and there getting worses, what if they get so bad-

Shadow/ honey, cool it, no more what ifs, don't ever say what if. I won't let anything bad happen *hugs her then kisses her on her forehead* I promise.

Sapphire/ I don't mean to be a stick in the mud but I think she has a point, what we don't need is a doctor, we need a healer, or a witch doctor or uh?

Bree/ that's it!! What we need is a Celestial!!

Sapphire/ I don't think I follow?

Bree/ remember when we were talking to peyton about the celestial abilities, she said we have healing powers that are made for anything, except for well certain diseases that can't be healed by anything that wild Celestials have.

Sapphire/ of course, and are kids aren't celestials so there's no doubt it will work!!

Sapphire and Bree enters a bedroom where all the sick kids were lying down felling awful.

Dusk/ Must...cause...mischief.

Dawn/ why, were sick?

Dusk/ it is my duty.

Nova/ pft, you said duty!

Ace/ *smiles* mama!

Sapphire/ Alright kids hold still, me and your auntie Bree will heal you all right up.

Sapphire and Bree held up there hands and closed there eyes. A few moments have past and nothing happened.

Dusk/ uh, mom, I'm still sick.

Bree/ what?

Sapphire/ uh?.....Call peyton?

Bree/ call peyton.

Meanwhile with silhouette and Peyton at Timbers home in a enchanted place, Peyton and silhouette are using a library to create a spell so that silhouette does need Peyton and can explore the world as her own individual, without the need of peyton being in the area. You see, she is like Peyton's shadow, she basically lives inside it, and she desperately wishes to explore the world without being still with her in a limited radius.

Peyton and silhouette were wearing special suits cover from head to toe with religious symbols to protect them from the magical chemicals.

Peyton uses some tongs to grab bug wings to an unusual creature and carful drops it into a giant metal pot filled with boiling blue liquid.

Peyton/ okay now all we have to do is add 2 quarters of wortwound hare blood, 2 eyes of a Scalecrawler and then we add all 3 venom glands of a Duktak.

Silhouette/ I'm cool with adding the ingredients, even the eye of a scalecrawler, but, the duktaks venom glands? Individual all the venom glands are dangerous, but when all the venom glands are used together at once-

Peyton/ instant death I know, you have no idea how many times I died and come back to even get just one of these glands.


Sonic the hedgehog Book 1, adventures beyond the realm. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon