Chapter 2 part 4

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This part is a bit short but It is the end of chapter 2

Das and Peyton jumps ontop of the shields as sonic and the others pushes back to knock them off. Das and Peyton landed on there hooves as they circled them again. Peyton then stopped with her back facing Dartak, and Das stopped on the other side. Dartak presses a button and commanded Das to attack peyton. Das and Peyton jumps and hover in the air before they fought each other. After moments of biting clawing, kicking, bucking, punching, and dodging, Peyton bite das neck crushing a metal piece off of her.

When Peyton threw das to the ground as she gets up confused on what's going on.

Das/ *groans as she gets up* Uhg what-

She was then interrupted by Peyton who charged at her like a bull and knocked her against the wall.

Das/ P-Peyton??!!

She then tries to get up but a soldier in the stands shot an arrow in her leg. Sonic and the others tried to help, but more soldiers enter the arena and surrounded them.

Sonic/ DAS!!!

Das stared at Peyton as she hovered in the air, as a giant ball of light forms above her head.

Das/ PEYTON!!!

Sonic/ STOOOOP!!!

Peyton then smiles as she threw the ball of light not at Das or sonic but at Dartak.

A loud explosion shook the area as everyone stood in shock.

Peyton/ by the way, I never was completely mind controlled, I was playing along, you criminals are idiots, you used so much of that stuff on me that I became immune. Your not getting any sensory overloads from me anymore. Now, its time to surrender.

Then the roof of the building was thrown off by Peyton, revealing the sky covered with celestials, Xenomorph, Xenomorph celestials, And the rest of Sonics friends. Everyone in the arena including the workers ran in terror as all the celestial rounded them all up, and the Xenomorphs attacked all the soldiers, break prisoners free, and searching for burden. All the prisoners ran out free as they helped the celestials.

At another area, Burden was still in his cell, attacking the door until he break it down and started running towards the arena.

Burden/ When I get my hands on that cat I am gonna-

He stopped when he saw a shadow on he wall in the shape of a strange horse. Burden thought it was a Celestial, so he looks to his left and sees left over Celestial guns so he slowly and quietly grabs one and walks cautiously towards the corner. He jumps around the corner and points the gun, smiling, but his smile changed to fear when he realized what it really was. A Celestial Xenomorph.

Burden shook in fear and backs away as he shoots at the Xenomorph walking towards him slowly. When he ran out of bullets he panicked more. Then the vents shook as 2 more normal Xenomorphs enter the room from the vents.

Burden/ No no no nononononononono-

Xenomorph Celestial/ *roars*

Burden/ *Screams like a girl*

Back in the arena everyone was captured and being moved into ships to deliver them to prison, and a large group of celestial were searching the pile of rubble for Dartak. When Peyton found him he was weak, And Peyton dragged him by the foot and throws him into the arena and everyone sure him as he gets up.

Peyton jumps and lands next to him as she stared at him with furious eyes.

Peyton/ Alright you have a lot of questions and your gonna answer them, and don't even bother lying, cause I can tell.

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