Hazel Rainart

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Finds you:

Hazel walked by the pools of goo that Grimm came from. He was furious, to say the least. Who does Cinder think she is?? Getting an attitude with him??

He chuckled as he saw a newly created Grimm snap at something in the goo.

A cry sprang from the hole, and Hazel ran over immediately. In the black goo was a child, drowning and barely staying afloat.

He pulled you out immediately and held you close to him. As goo dropped off of you, he saw horns and goat legs form from your own legs. Black veins covered your body, and your eyes turned red.

"Oh God." He said, holding his mouth.

"Where will I put you?" He carried you to his room and sat you on his bed.

You cried loudly as he sat you down. It must've been so painful to have spikes grow from your back.

"I'm sorry, love." He whispered.

"You're staying with me."

First words:

You said Salem when she walked past you and him in the halls of her palace.

First steps:

You ran to Salem when she was having a meeting.

First birthday:

First birthday:

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