NTST Finds You

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Neo was with Torchwick, instructing the White Fang, when she noticed a womanwith a baby near the docks. The woman looked around, and out the baby in the basket, then put the baby in the water. The woman ran off, leaving her child in the water. Neo got angry, and used her umbrella to grab the basket. She pulled you to safety and cradled you. She smiled at the innocence that you had. Torchwick cleared his throat behind her.

"Neo, what is that?" He asked.

Neo lifted you up so he could see you. He rolled his eyes.

"And what are we supposed to do with that?" He asked.

She cradled you once more, then smiled up at him.

"No way are you keeping it." He rolled his eyes once more.

Neo stomped her foot and pouted.

"No, Neo."

She kissed your cheek and walked over to Emerald. Emerald gushed over you and Neo smirked.

"Please Torchwick!" Emerald begged.

He rolled his eyes for the third time.

"Whatever." He said, and continued to do work.



As always, Torchwick was robbing a dust shop. The cashier huddled underneath the counter with fear, to scared to do anything. A man walked down the stairs that lead to the livingspace upstairs and witnessed Torchwick tealing dust. His wife was huddled under the counter. He held his newborn daughter in his arms. Torchwick saw the man and walked over to him. Carefully taking you out of your father's arms, Torchwick sent him an evil look, but your father was to afraid to do anything.

"You know, I'm thinking that you and I can make a deal. What if I kept your daughter, and you kept your shop in one piece, hm? Then, I could have your daughter come here and rob this place herself!"

Torchwick laughed, obviously enjoying the man's scared expression. The man couldn't do anything except nod, he was too afraid to refuse the major criminal. Torchwick grew tired of the man and his wife, so he called off the White Fang.

"Lets go. I've got what I want." Torchwick sent an evil smirk to your father, and climbed up on his airship, the whole time studying your (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair.

You cooed at him and tried to grab his cigar. He chuckled to himself lightly and put out the cigar, not wanting you to get burnt.



Tyrian was out on a quest for Salem when he came across a baby. He brought you back to Salem's castle. At first, Salem got annoyed at him, and he threw you on the ground, but Salem quickly caught you before you could hit the floor. She cradled you as she scolded him for throwing an infant on the ground. She walked away from him, claiming to get rid of you. She was going to send you back, but your adorable coos and giggles stopped her. She was annoyed that you could have this effect on her. She looked into your (E/C) eyes as she slowly petted your (H/C) hair. She smiled, but it was a true smile, not a wicked one. She smiled at you because You were now her daughter, and her daughter only.



One night, as Tyrian was returning to Salem after a mission, it began a heavy downpour. He didn't want to stay in the rain much longer, in fear of getting a cold, so he stopped by a nearby shack and went inside. Once inside the shack, he heard a baby whimper. He looked around the shack, but couldnt find the young girl. Getting annoyed, he ripped open your nursery door without realization. He stepped in the room, and in a crib, lay a baby girl.

"W-Wow, y-you are a beautiful young maiden." He said

He had a crazy, sweet grin on his face as he slowly lifted you from your crib. He stared down at you, but was startled by your father entering your nursery. Tyrian laughed at the man's face; a confused and terrified expression.

"Give me my daughter." He said sternly.

"Oh, but I'm sure she'd be happier with me, isn't that right, dear?" He asked.

You giggled and grabbed his finger that he held hovering above your face.

"See? She wants me. She wants me! Not you! I am going to be her father! Not you!" He laughed maniacally at the man.

Your father dragged a fun out form his pocket, but Tyrian was one step ahead. Tyrian used his weapon and stabbed the man in the stomach. Tyrian laughed as he used his tail to poison the man. Your father groaned in pain, but still tried to grab you. Tyrian slapped his hand on the side of his face, and dragged it down.

"You just don't know when to give up, huh?" He asked.

He held you up to where you could see your blood covered father. Your father weakly smiled at you, and shot his gun, but the bullet went no where near you or Tyrian. It hit the wall beside you two. Tyrian laughed and kicked the man in the nose. The man died instantly at the impact, and Tyrian hugged you close as he slowly stopped laughing.

"You, my dear, make me very happy already." He said as he fiddly skipped out of the shack to show Salem his new daughter.

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