Cardin First Birthday

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Cardin Winchester. The meanest man in the Academy. You would expect him to go out drinking, and to hurt random people on the streets, and beat every Grimm on the planet.

But actually, what he was really doing, was choosing you a pretty dress.

Because that's what fathers do.

Don't get me wrong, now he wasn't the best, but he tried. He never expected to have a daughter. At all. He actually expected to have tons of girlfriends at the Academy. But instead you were the only girl sleeping in his room.

But, that didn't matter. You and his girlfriend's probably wouldn't get along anyway. So why get them if they weren't going to be your mommy??

Besides, he had the whole "dressing up" thing down, and he made a better princess than half those women during a tea party. The little plastic crown and fake makeup looked better on him, anyway.

"Cardin, hurry up man! She's been crying forever!!!" Dove complained.

Cardin growled. You we're a kid!! What we're you supposed to do?? Say 'excuse me uncle for I have to go pee'?? No!!!

But, Cardin reminded himself that he made a vow not to snap in front of you. He didn't want you to be scared.

Sure, half the school was scared, but you were his daughter. It was lonely enough having them against him, and he couldn't let you get scared too.

His anger issues, however, have almost broke the surface multiple times though.

"You hear me dude?? CRYING!! SHE IS CRYING!!" Dove tried again.

"Well IM not getting rid of her. She's a baby Dove. Get fucking used to it!" He whisper yelled, and Dove took that as his hint to back off.

Cardin finally found the perfect dress for you and stood up, listening as his teammates quietly complained.

Cardin stepped out of the closet and looked at you. You sat in a circle in the middle of them, bawling, making grabby hands at them to hold you. They didn't.

You looked so pitiful, just like the day he found you. What jerks they were! To leave you sitting there, begging!!

"(Y/N), come here baby." He called sweetly. You looked up at him, your eyes red and your face distraught.

He motioned with his hand for you to go to him, and you stood up and ran, crying the entire time.

He held you for a minute before pulling you in the closet to dress you.

He held you for a minute before pulling you in the closet to dress you

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He then let you out of the room, and into the sitting area. He nudged you into the kitchen, then handed you an applesauce before instructing you to sit down.

You did, and your father left the room.

Cardin lifted one of his teammates in the air before grabbing another one by his face.

"If you ever watch my daughter cry and not do anything about it, I will fucking kill you and anyone associated with you." He growled, his tone low so you wouldn't hear.

"Cardin, man, we didn't mean it!" One chuckled.

"Yeah!! We were who can hold her first!!"


"Daddy?" You called from the kitchen doorway. Your father dropped his teammate and pushed the other one who's face was being held.

You sat there, a strange look on your face. He inhaled.

"(Y/N)!" He nervously smiled. "You-you ate all for your applesauce!"

"What dooooinggg?" You asked.

"Oh, this? Them? Hahah, I was, um.." Cardin began. Then he looked down and dropped his hands that were on his hips. "I was fussing."


"Yes daddy was fussing."

You hugged his leg, and he lifted you up before showing you the amazing cake in the fridge.

You hugged his leg, and he lifted you up before showing you the amazing cake in the fridge

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He smiled at you as you giggled, realizing that all of it was for you.

The school could hate him all they wanted. His parents could hate him. His team could hate him. His siblings could hate him. But you? He was something to you. To everyone else he was a brat, a nuisance, a bully, but to you he would never be less than your hero.

And that was enough for him.

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