Nora: first steps

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Nora shrieked at the mountain of pancakes that was sat in front of her. You clapped wildly. She took a piece and fed it to you before eating a piece herself. You both ate it quickly. She handed the plate to Ren, who stood in the kitchen with his pink apron that you loved so much. He handed you a sippy cup before instructing Nora to leave for a moment. He stopped her before she could unhook your high chair. She questioned him silently, but left anyways. He unhooked you and set you on the ground, taking his apron off. He grabbed her tiny hands and lifted you up before gently leading you down. You curled your legs under you, expecting him to let you sit down again, but instead he held you up, so you put your legs down. He stood you up right under legs and walked to the other side of the dorm.

"Walk to me, (Y/N)!" He cheered as you looked at him with a judging face.

"Stop judging me and walk!" He tried again.

You honestly didn't want to, but you did anyways, knowing that if you didn't then you would probably be 60 before hearing the end of it. You walked over to him with such sad he wasn't sure you were even human. He stared blankly before picking you up, a smile on his face. He then took you to Nora, and allowed you to show off your new walking skills.

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