Weiss: first steps

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Weiss and Yang talked over and over about clothes for you as you sat on the floor, trying to tune in. Every time your mother would make a comment, you would try to reply with baby gurgles. Ruby bent down beside you.

"Yeah, I don't understand them either." She said.

You looked at her, dead serious.

"Ah." You replied.

She laughed. Weiss continued to argue. Yang circled her, and you got tired of hearing their voices. Like, really? Did they need to continue to get more pieces of fabric? What was their deal? You stood up, as you often saw your tiny family do, and put one foot infront of another.

You fell over.

You grugled complaints of frustration and stood up once again. You walked over to Weiss and clung to the her of her dress. She looked down at you, startled, and gasped. Yang laughed and bent down.

"Yeah!" She cheered, holding her hand up for a high-five.

You gave her a kiss on the Palm, and she laughed so hard she fell over. Weiss smirked and picked you up.

"Good skill, (Y/N)." She said, walking out of the room with you in her arms.

"Attacking your enemies with cuteness."

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