Jacques Schnee first birthday

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You looked up at the tall man in front of you. His mustach hid his mouth a bit, but you didn't mind. You were sure he was smiling at you.

He wasn't.

Instead, he was focused on your clothing. What horrible attire for such of a magnificent girl. It was your birthday...shouldn't you be dressed..?

"Klein!!" Your father yelled.

"Yes sir?" Klein entered the room, his head low and his arms draped behind his back.

"Dress her." Jacques ordered. He lifted you and passed you to Klein. "(Y/N) must be ready for the party this afternoon."

And so Klein did, taking you back to your room and slipping on a beautiful gown.

He walked beside you, your hand in his, all the way to your father before closing the door to his office once you were inside

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He walked beside you, your hand in his, all the way to your father before closing the door to his office once you were inside. Jacques called you over to him, and you skipped, your little legs hopping and jumping all the way to where your father sat. He pulled you into his lap.

"It's your birthday." He smiled, his hand finding it's way to your little curls in your (H/C) hair. "And I was wondering who you'd like to have a party with?"

You sat silently. Jacques held his breath. He would invite whoever. Including Weiss.

"The white haired ladies." You requested. "All 3 of them."

Jacques sighed and nodded. "Anything for you, doll."


3 beautiful women waltzed into the party room that evening, and every eye went to you. Weiss shrieked, and your mother began weeping. You had gotten so big since last time...they couldn't believe that they had missed your upbringing!

Jacques cleared his throat as he walked you over to them. Your mother bent down to hold you, but instead you hugged her tightly.

"She has requested to see you 3." He mumbled. "Do not embarrass me."

He left you with them at your plea to stay. Winter kissed your cheek.

Weiss hugged you gently, though she wanted to squeeze you.

Soon enough, Jacques called your name. With your little legs, you jumped and skipped over to him, a big smile on your face. He was almost happy to see you so happy with them.


A large cake sat in the center of the table, the frosting perfectly smoothed and lots of presents behind it. Jacques lifted you on his shoulder to allow you to blow out the candles.

 Jacques lifted you on his shoulder to allow you to blow out the candles

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"Happy birthday!" He cheered. "To my daughter, (Y/N)!"

He sat you down and handed you a small plate before leading you to your seat. Winter sat across from you, with Weiss to your right and your mother to your left.

You giggled with the girls, your smile radiant and wholesome to Jacques.

He stopped himself. Realization struck him, and in the moment he began to panic.

He didn't do this to get you to like him and to take over the company, he only did it because he truly cherished you as his own daughter...he had used the Heiress title just as an excuse for himself.

If he wasn't a fool, then what was he? How could he let himself actually try to be happy??? The goal was clear. Money. But that wasn't his real goal!! His real goal was to treat you like a child should be treated.

And looking at you right then, you were more happy than he's ever seen you. Maybe he should let them in your life??









Definitely not. They would only ruin all of his hard work.

And so after the party, he laid you to bed and locked your door, keeping the key with him while he slept.

He would need security forced by your door...

In case the rebels tried to get in your head.


So I have an idea but I need a go ahead.

Maybe Wreck it Ralph scenarios? And the Incredibles?? And maybe another movie if I can think of it..?

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