Taiyang first steps

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Taiyang smed at you as he sat on one side of the room. You sat on the other side and made grabby hands towards him. Your tears fell heavily. Your face was red and all you wanted was your daddy.

"Daddyyyyyy!!" You whined. "Daddy!"

He urged you to go towards him.

"Come on, baby!" He begged. "Come on!"

You cried more.

"(Y/N) wants daddy!!" You cried.

His heart broke. It was supposed to be a chance to get you to walk, but once again, it had failed.

He stood up. You thought that he was going to leave, so you stood up too.

He turned hus face away from you.

"Aww, man! Couldn't your first steps be you trying to grab Zwei's ear or something?" He complained.


You ran towards him, your heart plundging into sadness. Your daddy was important to you. Why would he leave?

"Don't leave (Y/N), daddy!" You begged. "(Y/N) sowwy!!"

Your words became drowned by your tears. He picked you up and hugged you. You held onto his neck tightly.

"It's okay, daddy won't leave (Y/N)." He assured you.

"Pwomise?" You asked.

He nodded. "Promise."

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