RWBY first words

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Ruby was at the desk, attempting to study, and you were on Yang's bed, rolling around and drooling on everything you found. Rudy glanced over at you for the 857th time in the last 30 minutes, nodded, and got back to work. You giggled everytime she looked at you. The door suddenly burst open, and Yang stepped in.

"Hey sis! How's (Y/N)?" She asked, climbing on her bed to play with you.

"She's good." Ruby replied, not looking up from her book.

Yang grabbed the teething toy you had in your chubby little hand and pulled it back. You reached for it, and she jerked it away again. You tried to grab it again, but once more Yang moved it from your reach. You looked at her, a bit angered, and she laughed at your glare. Wanting your toy, you did what Ruby had tried to teach you to do, and you said your first word.

"Meanie!" You screamed.

Yang sat in front of you, wide-eyed and mouth gaped open, and Ruby threw herself out of her chair. The door to team JNPR was heard being slammed open. Jaune burst through the door, and Nora and Pyrrha tripped over Jaunes feet. Ren carefully stepped in and ran over to you. Yang made a move to grab you, but Ruby jerked you up faster. You laughed at everyones breakdown.

"Weiss! Blake! (Y/N) just said her first words!" Yang yelled into her scroll.

"Awwwwww!!!!! I'm so proud of herrr!!!" Weiss yelled.

While Yang, Blake, Weiss, Nora, Jaune, and Pyrrha fangirled over your moment, Ren sighed at his team's freak moment. Ruby squealed over and over how proud her was, and you smiled because you finally had your teething toy. You still had no idea what everyone was freaking out about.



You and Weiss were out buying clothes...again. She repeatedly squealed over anything that would fit you, and you soon grew bored of it. What was the big deal, anyway? It was just a few pieces of cloth to cover up your body. It didn't need all of your mothers attention, especially not when you were right there beside her. Of course you had no way to grab your mothers attention, so you began mumbling random things.

"Ah, blllb bleh, ashbl leh." You said, spitting everywhere.

Weiss looked at you and held up two shirts to her face. She smiled at you.

"Which one, my little snowflake?" She asked.

You giggled and waved your arms around, making her smile.

"Or why not both."

She set them in the shopping cart, and began pushing the cart over to the next isle; summer dresses. She gushed over how adorable they would look on you, and she repeatedly asked your opinion on them. Suddenly, you screamed at the uncomfortable position you were in; the buckle was pinching your leg. Weiss rushed over to you and frantically snapped the buckle off of your leg. She held you as you cried into her shoulder.

"Mama, mama." You cried.

Her eyes opened wide and she smiled.

"Yes, thats right. I'm your mama. Mama's here, mama's got you, my little snowflake." She cooed.

You slowly stopped crying and lifted your head up. You smiled and so did she, still thinking about the dresses right behind her.


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