Raven Branwen

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First word

You sat on Raven's bed as she focused on the map in front of her. You giggled at how stressed she looked, and she turned back to glare at you. You giggled more and she cracked a small side smile. You smiled back happily. She ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

"Ah, (Y/N)." she mumbled. "Can't wait for the day you take control of this and not me."

You clapped, having no idea what she said. She smiled again. Your mother's beautiful features stood out the most to you. She walked over to you and sat a hand on your head. You giggled and looked at her past her wrist. She had a light blush and a smile on her face.

"Mommy." you laughed.

Her mouth opened to the shape of an 'O' and her blush got deeper. Who knew you had this affect on her? She looked away and patted your head roughly.

"Good girl." she said. "Very good girl."

high fives and kisses

You looked at your mother. She seemed stressed lately, and you felt bad for her. Why was controlling a group of thieves so hard? She huffed loudly, like she had been doing for the past 10 minutes, and shifted her weight from one foot to another. She honestly looked terrible. Dark circles outlined her eyes, and her skin had gotten paler than usual.

"Mommy." you tried.

"Hush." she ordered.

You pouted. Despite her hard demeanor, she was always a softie when it came to you. She would get jealous easily if you gave affection to someone else, and she would often snatch you away from the other thieves. She had never been this snappy. You called out to her again.

"D*mmit (Y/N)." she groaned as she lifted you.

You wrapped your arms around her neck and pecked her cheek. She blushed lightly, but still focused on her papers.

"...Stop it." she mumbled.

first steps

Raven held onto your body as she walked through the camp. The thieves had seen Grimm scouting the place, and she had decided that it was best if she went to go find out about them herself. Sure enough, the moment she left the walls of safety, Grimm were spotted in every direction. They paid no mind to the structure, however, and she growled slightly.

"What were those people thinking?" she whispered. "Their careless acts and shouts had attracted flocks of these things."

She went back into her tent and sat you down on the bed. Then, she went to a table and counted the bullets in her weapon. There weren't enough to kill them. You were interested in whatever your mother was doing, and you slid off the bed. you , being the considerate child you were, didn't want to distract her from her work. Slowly, you put one foot in front on another until you made it to her. You grasped onto her skirt and walked over to the desk. Peeking over the edge, you saw exactly what she was looking at. She looked down at you.

"Hey. You cold?" she asked plainly.

She turned her attention down to the bullets, but then froze. Her eyes looked up at the wall ahead of her. Realization struck her. You couldn't walk.

"Crap..." she mumbled.

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